
英语迷津 相似词语辨析【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

英语迷津 相似词语辨析
  • 卢思源编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司
  • ISBN:7801031210
  • 出版时间:1996
  • 标注页数:331页
  • 文件大小:6MB
  • 文件页数:346页
  • 主题词:


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1 a·One1

2 a gfeat deal·a great many4

3 a number of·the number of6

4 above·Over8

5 accident·incident10

6 act·action12

7 addressee·addresser14

8 adventure·venture16

9 ago·before18

10 affect·effect21

11 agree to·agree with23

12 almost·nearly25

13 already·all ready27

14 always·often29

15 always·all ways31

16 anyone·any one33

17 apiece·a piece35

18 Arab·Arabian·Arabic37

19 arrive at·arrive in39

20 as·like41

21 as far as·so far as43

22 as fast as·as soon as45

23 as it was·as it were47

24 assure·ensure·insure49

25 at·in·on51

26 at a distance·from a distance·in the distance53

27 at hand·by hand·in hand·on hand·to hand55

28 at present·for the present57

29 at table·at the table58

30 at the same time·in the same time60

31 attend the meeting·attend to the meeting62

32 awake·awaken·wake·waken64

33 avocation·vocation66

34 baggage·luggage67

35 base·basis69

36 because·for71

37 before long·long before73

38 behind time·behind the times75

39 beside·besides77

40 besides·except79

41 between·among81

42 blackboard·black board83

43 born·borne85

44 brothers·brethren87

45 burned·burnt89

46 by one o'clock·till one O'clock91

47 can·be able to92

48 can·may94

49 cannot do it·cannot but do it96

50 Catholic·catholic98

51 childiSh·childlike100

52 China's·Chinese102

53 clean·cleanly104

54 cloch·clothe·clothes106

55 compare to·compare with108

56 continual·continuous110

57 corps corpse112

58 cost·price114

59 council·counsel116

60 cupfuls·cups full117

61 day and night·night and day118

62 deep·deeply120

63 definite·definitive122

64 difference·differentiation124

65 different·differing126

66 direct·directly128

67 disinterested·uninterested130

68 drink·drinking132

69 each Other·one another134

70 economic·economical136

71 educational·educative138

72 electric·electrical140

73 emergence·emergency142

74 encouraged·encouraging144

75 enough·sufficient146

76 especially·specially148

77 everyday·every day150

78 except·excepting152

79 excited·exciting154

80 ex-schoolmaster·late schoolmaster156

81 fairly·rather158

82 farther·further160

83 few·a few162

84 fewer·less164

85 for a moment·for the moment·in a moment166

86 forget to lock the door·forget locking the door168

87 fruit·fruits170

88 gold·golden172

89 had rathcr·would rather174

90 hard·hardly176

91 have to·must178

92 Have you seen this film?·Did you see this film?180

93 He has been wired for from home·He has beell wifed to from home182

94 He is sorry·He is a sorry fellow184

95 healthful·healthy186

96 hear·hear of188

97 hear·listen190

98 high·highly192

99 high·tall194

100 historic·historical196

101 holiday·vacation198

102 how·what200

103 How are you?·How do you do?·How do you feel?202

104 however·how ever204

105 I'm late,am I not?·I'm late,ain't I?·I'm late,aren't I?206

106 I have my hair cut·I have cut my hair207

107 imaginary·imaginative209

108 in a word·in word211

109 in an hour·after an hour213

110 in case of·in the case of215

111 in the way·on the way·by the way217

112 in time·on time219

113 in view of·with a view to·with the view of221

114 inhuman·unhuman223

115 interested·interesting225

116 invalid·in'valid·invalid227

117 its·it's229

118 just·just now230

119 kind·kindly232

120 late·latelv234

121 learn·study236

122 Let's go·Let us go238

123 lie·lay240

124 lie(躺)·lie(说谎)242

125 lighted·lit244

126 long for·for long246

127 looker-on·onlooker248

128 loud·loudly249

129 machine·machinery251

130 maybe·may be253

131 mean time·meantime254

132 melted·molten255

133 minute(n.)·minute(adj.)257

134 most·mostly259

135 much·very261

136 neither·nor263

137 on the morning·in the morning265

138 passed·past267

139 people·peoples269

140 produce·product·production271

141 provide·provided273

142 recover·re-cover275

143 shall·will277

144 She is home·she is at home280

145 should·would282

146 skilled·skil(1)ful285

147 So do I.So I do287

148 still·yet289

149 sunk·sunken291

150 that·which293

151 that·who295

152 tight·tightly297

153 till·until299

154 tiring·tiresome·tired301

155 usage·use303

156 used to·be used to305

157 variance·variation307

158 virtual·virtuous308

159 young man·youngster·youth309

160 walk·go·go on foot311

161 water·waters313

162 We are of the same size·We are the same size315

163 We are seeing Ms.Cheung tomorrow·We will be seeing Ms.Cheung tomorrow317

164 west·western319

165 wet·Wetted321

166 when·while322

167 womanish·womanly324

168 work·works325

169 worth·worthy327

170 you may not·you must not·you shall not330
