
中国古代寓言选 汉英对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

中国古代寓言选 汉英对照
  • 乔车洁玲编选、英译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:7500118147
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:285页
  • 文件大小:7MB
  • 文件页数:310页
  • 主题词:汉语-英语-对照读物;寓言-作品集-中国-古代


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《孟子》Mencius五十步笑百步The Pot Calling the Kettle Black2

揠苗助长Giving the Seedlings a Hand6

月攘邻鸡Once a Month8

齐人妻妾A Shameless Husband10

《庄子》Zhuangzi丑女效颦Aping a Beauty14

坎井之蛙The Frog in the Shallow Well16

鹓鶵腐鼠The Phoenix and the Owl20

鲁侯养鸟Man's Meat—Bird's Poison24

养斗鸡The Fighter26

美与丑Beauty and Plainness28

匠石运斤The Carpenter and His Axe30

庄周贷粟A Fish in Straits34

《列子》Liezi杞人忧天The Worrier of Qi38

国氏善盗The Art of Stealing42


朝三暮四Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk48

尹氏治产The Master and the Servant50

燕人还国Return of the Native56

愚公移山To Move Mountains60

夸父追日In Pursuit of the Sun66

两小儿辩日An Argument about the Sun68

詹何钓鱼Zhan He the Angler72

薛谭学讴A Subtle Hint76

野人献曝Make a Present of Sunshine78

道见桑妇Served with the Same Sauce80

牝牡骊黄True Discernment82

杨布打狗A Change of Colour88

不死之道Physician,Heal Thyself90

亡斧疑邻In the Eyes of the Beholder92

《尹文子》Yinwenzi康衢长者Name Versus Fact94

《荀子》Xunzi宥坐之器An Admonitory Vessel96

《韩非子》Hanfeizi信子而疑邻The Son and the Neighbour100

和氏璧The Jade of He102

纣为象箸Ivory Chopsticks for a Start106

宋人刻楮A Leaf in Three Years110

赵襄主学御A Matter of the Mind112

远水不救近火Ineffectual Aid114

鲁人之越Hardly a Wise Move116

伯乐教人A Matter of Discrimination118

就虫自杀A Snake with Two Mouths120

不待满贯而去Unwise to Wait122

中行文子出亡Friend or Foe?124

侏儒梦灶A Dream Come True126

南郭吹竽Safety in Numbers130

夫妻祝祷Earnest Prayers132

买椟还珠The Casket and the Pearl134

画孰最难Ghost Drawing136

卜妻缝裤Good as Old138

郑人买履Buying Shoes140

曾子杀猪An Example to Follow142

自相矛盾His Spear against His Shield144

守株待兔The Vigil by the Tree Stump146

《吕氏春秋》Lüshi Chunqiu(Historical Writings Compiled by Lu Buwei)祁黄羊举贤Recommendations148

列子学射How and Why152

孔子马逸Powers of Persuasion154

刻舟求剑Making His Mark156

一鸣惊人The Silent Bird158

掣肘A Hand under the Elbow162

穿井得一人Dig a Well and Get a Man168

掩耳盗钟Ostrich Logic170

《晏子春秋》Yanzi Chunqiu(Historical Anecdotes of Yanzi)二桃杀三士Two Peaches for Three172

晏子车夫The Driver of Yanzi's Carriage180

晏子使楚Each to His Own Kind184

橘化为枳Oranges and Tangerines188

《宓子》Mizi阳桥Fishing Tips192

《景子》Jingzi宓子贱与巫马期Leisure and Exhaustion196

《战国策》Zhanguo Ce(Strategies of the Warring States)楚人两妻A Different Time,a Different Need198

管庄刺虎It Pays to Wait200

扁鹊之言Choice of Counsellors202

曾参杀人One Time Too Many204

江上处女The Maidens on the River Bank206

邹忌Speaking the Truth208


狐假虎威A Tiger in Tow214

惊弓之鸟A Frightened Bird216

南辕北辙In the Opposite Direction220

忠信致笞A Case of Injustice224

求千里马An Expensive Head226

卖骏马To Sell a Horse228

鹬蚌相争The Snipe and the Clam230

《韩诗外传》Hanshi Waizhuan(Han Ying's Illustration of the Didactic Application of the Book of Songs)相人之友Telling Company232

屠牛吐之智The Shrewdness of Tu the Butcher234

《礼记》Liji(The Book of Rites)苛政比虎More Threatening than Tigers236

嗟来之食A Matter of Dignity238

《淮南子》Huainanzi哭母夸孝A Better Mourner240

鬻母行义Mother for Sale242

塞翁失马Blessing or Bane244

田子方见老马An Old Horse248

螳螂搏轮The Indomitable Mantis250

《史记》Shiji(Records of the Historian)与少望奢Exorbitant Demands252

《新序》Xinxu鸡有五德The Cock and the Wild Swan256

叶公好龙The Real Thing260

中天台Halfway up the Skies262

《说苑》Shuoyuan秦西巴释麑Compassion for a Fawn266

螳螂捕蝉The Mantis and the Cicada268

景公好弋A Broad Hint272

白龙下清泠之渊A Shrewd Judge274

枭将东徙The Owl Intends to Move276

《论衡》Lunheng周人不遇The Man Who Never Got a Break278

《汉书》Hanshu(History of the Former Han Dynasty)曲突徙薪Prevention and Cure282
