

  • 出版社: CRC PRESS
  • ISBN:9781482219487
  • 出版时间:2015
  • 标注页数:446页
  • 文件大小:37MB
  • 文件页数:459页
  • 主题词:


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1 Introduction1

1.1 A Motivating Example:Remodeling an Underwater Structure1

1.2 Newton’s Laws:The First Principles of Mechanics3

1.3 Equilibrium4

1.4 Definition of a Continuum5

1.5 Some Mathematical Basics:Scalars and Vectors8

1.6 Problem Solving11

1.7 Examples12

2 Strain and Stress in One Dimension25

2.1 Kinematics:Strain25

2.1.1 Normal Strain26

2.1.2 Shear Strain28

2.1.3 Measurement of Strain29

2.2 The Method of Sections and Stress30

2.2.1 Normal Stresses31

2.2.2 Shear Stresses32

2.3 Stress-Strain Relationships33

2.4 Limiting Behavior37

2.5 Equilibrium40

2.6 Stress in Axially Loaded Bars42

2.7 Deformation of Axially Loaded Bars44

2.8 Equilibrium of an Axially Loaded Bar45

2.9 Statically Indeterminate Bars46

2.9.1 Force (Flexibility) Method47

2.9.2 Displacement (Stiffness) Method49

2.10 Thermal Effects51

2.11 Saint-Venant’s Principle and Stress Concentrations52

2.12 Strain Energy in One Dimension53

2.13 Properties of Engineering Materials55

2.13.1 Metals56

2.13.2 Ceramics57

2.13.3 Polymers57

2.13.4 Other Materials58

2.14 A Road Map for Strength of Materials58

2.15 Examples60

3 Case Study 1:Collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkways81

4 Strain and Stress in Higher Dimensions89

4.1 Poisson’s Ratio89

4.2 The Strain Tensor90

4.3 The Stress Tensor94

4.4 Generalized Hooke’s Law97

4.5 Equilibrium99

4.5.1 Equilibrium Equations99

4.5.2 The Two-Dimensional State of Plane Stress100

4.5.3 The Two-Dimensional State of Plane Strain102

4.6 Formulating Two-Dimensional Elasticity Problems102

4.6.1 Equilibrium Expressed in Terms of Displacements103

4.6.2 Compatibility Expressed in Terms of Stress Functions104

4.6.3 Some Remaining Pieces of the Puzzle of General Formulations105

4.7 Examples106

5 Applying Strain and Stress in Multiple Dimensions115

5.1 Torsion115

5.1.1 Method of Sections115

5.1.2 Torsional Shear Strain and Stress:Angle of Twist and the Torsion Formula116

5.1.3 Stress Concentrations121

5.1.4 Transmission of Power by a Shaft121

5.1.5 Statically Indeterminate Problems122

5.1.6 Torsion of Solid Noncircular Rods123

5.2 Pressure Vessels126

5.3 Transformation of Stress and Strain129

5.3.1 Transformation of Plane Stress130

5.3.2 Principal and Maximum Shear Stresses132

5.3.3 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress134

5.3.4 Transformation of Plane Strain136

5.3.5 Three-Dimensional State of Stress138

5.4 Failure Prediction Criteria139

5.4.1 Failure Criteria for Brittle Materials139 Maximum Normal Stress Criterion140

5.4.2 Yield Criteria for Ductile Materials141 Maximum Shearing Stress (Tresca) Criterion141 Von Mises Criterion142

5.5 Examples143

6 Case Study 2:Pressure Vessels169

6.1 Why Pressure Vessels Are Spheres and Cylinders169

6.2 Why Do Pressure Vessels Fail?174

7 Beams181

7.1 Calculation of Reactions181

7.2 Method of Sections:Axial Force,Shear,Bending Moment183

7.2.1 Axial Force in Beams183

7.2.2 Shear in Beams183

7.2.3 Bending Moment in Beams184

7.3 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams185

7.3.1 Rules and Regulations for Shear Diagrams185

7.3.2 Rules and Regulations for Moment Diagrams186

7.4 Integration Methods for Shear and Bending Moment187

7.5 Normal Stresses in Beams and Geometric Properties of Sections189

7.6 Shear Stresses in Beams194

7.7 Examples199

8 Case Study 3:Physiological Levers and Repairs223

8.1 The Forearm Is Connected to the Elbow Joint223

8.2 Fixing an Intertrochanteric Fracture226

9 Beam Deflections231

9.1 Governing Equation231

9.2 Boundary Conditions233

9.3 Beam Deflections by Integration and by Superposition235

9.4 Discontinuity Functions238

9.5 Beams with Non-Constant Cross Section240

9.6 Statically Indeterminate Beams241

9.7 Beams with Elastic Supports244

9.8 Strain Energy for Bent Beams246

9.9 Deflections by Castigliano’s Second Theorem248

9.10 Examples249

10 Case Study 4:Truss-Braced Airplane Wings269

10.1 Modeling and Analysis271

10.2 What Does Our Model Tell Us?275

10.3 Conclusions276

11 Instability:Column Buckling279

11.1 Euler’s Formula279

11.2 Effect of Eccentricity284

11.3 Examples287

12 Case Study 5:Hartford Civic Arena295

13 Connecting Solid and Fluid Mechanics299

13.1 Pressure300

13.2 Viscosity301

13.3 Surface Tension304

13.4 Governing Laws304

13.5 Motion and Deformation of Fluids305

13.5.1 Linear Motion and Deformation305

13.5.2 Angular Motion and Deformation306

13.5.3 Vorticity308

13.5.4 Constitutive Equation for Newtonian Fluids308

13.6 Examples310

14 Case Study 6:Mechanics of Biomaterials319

14.1 Nonlinearity321

14.2 Composite Materials322

14.3 Viscoelasticity324

15 Case Study 7:Engineered Composite Materials329

15.1 Concrete329

15.2 Plastics330

15.2.1 3D Printing331

15.3 Ceramics331

16 Fluid Statics335

16.1 Local Pressure335

16.2 Force due to Pressure336

16.3 Fluids at Rest338

16.4 Forces on Submerged Surfaces342

16.5 Buoyancy347

16.6 Examples348

17 Case Study 8:St.Francis Dam363

18 Fluid Dynamics:Governing Equations367

18.1 Description of Fluid Motion367

18.2 Equations of Fluid Motion369

18.3 Integral Equations of Motion369

18.3.1 Mass Conservation369

18.3.2 Newton’s Second Law,or Momentum Conservation371

18.3.3 Reynolds Transport Theorem374

18.4 Differential Equations of Motion375

18.4.1 Continuity,or Mass Conservation375

18.4.2 Newton’s Second Law,or Momentum Conservation376

18.5 Bernoulli Equation379

18.6 Examples380

19 Case Study 9:China’s Three Gorges Dam,三峡大坝395

20 Fluid Dynamics:Applications399

20.1 How Do We Classify Fluid Flows?399

20.2 What Is Going on Inside Pipes?401

20.3 Why Can an Airplane Fly?404

20.4 Why Does a Curveball Curve?406

21 Case Study 10:Living with Water,and the Role of Technological Culture413

22 Solid Dynamics:Governing Equations417

22.1 Continuity,or Mass Conservation417

22.2 Newton’s Second Law,or Momentum Conservation419

22.3 Constitutive Laws:Elasticity420


Appendix A:Second Moments of Area425

Appendix B:A Quick Look at the del Operator429

Appendix C:Property Tables433

Appendix D:All the Equations437

