医学生理学 英文影印版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)盖统等主编 著
- 出版社: 北京市:北京医科大学、中国协和医科大学联合出版社
- ISBN:7810712594
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:1064页
- 文件大小:194MB
- 文件页数:1094页
- 主题词:
医学生理学 英文影印版PDF格式电子书版下载
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UNIT Ⅰ Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General Physiology2
CHAPTER 1 Functional Organization of the Human Body and Control of the Internal Environment2
Cells as the Living Units of the Body2
Extracellular Fluid—The Internal Environment2
Homeostatic Mechanisms of the Major Functional Systems3
Extracellular Fluid Transport System—The Circulatory System3
Origin of Nutrients in the Extracellular Fluid3
Control Systems of the Body4
Regulation of Body Functions4
Removal of Metabolic End Products4
Examples of Control Mechanisms5
Characteristics of Control Systems6
Summary—Automaticity of the Body7
CHAPTER 2 The Cell and Its Function9
Organization of the Cell9
Physical Structure of the Cell10
Membranous Structures of the Cell10
Cytoplasm and Its Organelles12
Nucleoli and Formation of Ribosomes15
Comparison of the Animal Cell with Precellular Forms of Life15
Nuclear Membrane15
Functional Systems of the Cell16
Ingestion by the Cell—Endocytosis16
Digestion of Pinocytic and Phagocytic Foreign Substances in the Cell—Function of the Lysosomes17
Synthesis and Formation of Cellular Structures by the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus18
Extraction of Energy from Nutrients—Function of the Mitochondria19
Locomotion of Cells21
CHAPTER 3 Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction24
The Genes24
Genetic Code25
The DNA Code Is Transferred to an RNA Code—The Process of Transcription25
Synthesis of RNA26
Assembly of the RNA Molecule from Activated Nucleotides Using the DNA Strand as a Template—The Process of Transcription27
Messenger RNA—The Codons27
Transfer RNA—The Anticodons27
Ribosomal RNA28
Formation of Proteins on the Ribosomes—The Process of Translation29
Synthesis of Other Substances in the Cell30
Control of Genetic Function and Biochemical Activity in Cells30
Genetic Regulation30
Control of Intracellular Function by Enzyme Regulation32
The DNA-Genetic System Also Controls Cell Reproduction32
Cell Reproduction Begins with Replication of the DNA33
Cell Mitosis34
Chromosomes and Their Replication34
Control of Cell Growth and Cell Reproduction35
Cell Differentiation35
UNIT Ⅱ Membrane Physiology, Nerve, and Muscle40
CHAPTER 4 Transport of Substances Through the Cell Membrane40
The Lipid Barrier of the Cell Membrane and Cell Membrane Transport Proteins40
Diffusion Through the Cell Membrane41
Diffusion Through Protein Channels and Gating of These Channels42
Facilitated Diffusion43
Factors That Affect Net Rate of Diffusion44
Osmosis Across Selectively Permeable Membranes— Net Diffusion of Water45
Active Transport47
Primary Active Transport47
Secondary Active Transport—Co-transport and Counter-transport49
Active Transport Through Cellular Sheets49
CHAPTER 5 Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials52
Basic Physics of Membrane Potentials52
Membrane Potentials Caused by Diffusion52
Measuring the Membrane Potential53
Resting Membrane Potential of Nerves54
Origin of the Normal Resting Membrane Potential54
Nerve Action Potential55
Voltage-Gated Sodium and Potassium Channels56
Summary of the Events That Cause the Action Potential58
Roles of Other Ions During the Action Potential59
Initiation of the Action Potential59
Propagation of the Action Potential59
Re-establishing Sodium and Potassium Ionic Gradients After Action Potentials Are Completed—Importance of Energy Metabolism60
Plateau in Some Action Potentials61
Rhythmicity of Some Excitable Tissues—Repetitive Discharge61
Special Aspects of Signal Transmission in Nerve Trunks62
Excitation—The Process of Eliciting the Action Potential63
Recording Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials64
Refractory Period After an Action Potential During Which a New Stimulus Can not Be Elicited64
Inhibition of Excitability— Stabilizers and Local Anesthetics64
CHAPTER 6 Contraction of Skeletal Muscle67
Physiologic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle67
The Skeletal Muscle Fiber67
General Mechanism of Muscle Contraction68
Molecular Mechanism of Muscle Contraction70
Molecular Characteristics of the Contractile Filaments70
Efeet of Actin and Myosin Filament Overlap on Tension Developed by the Contracting Muscle72
Relation of Velocity of Contraction to Load73
Characteristics of Whole Muscle Contraction74
Sources of Energy for Muscle Contraction74
Work Output During Muscle Contraction74
Energetics of Muscle Contraction74
Mechanics of Skeletal Muscle Contraction76
Remodeling of Muscle to Match Function77
Rigor Mortis78
CHAPTER 7 Excitation of Skeletal Muscle: A. Neuromuscular Transmission and B. Excitation-Contraction Coupling80
Transmission of Impulses from Nerves to Skeletal Muscle Fibers: The Neuromuscular Junction80
Secretion by Acetylcholine by the Nerve Terminals80
Molecular Biology of Acetylcholine Formation and Release82
Muscle Action Potential83
Myasthenia Gravis83
Drugs That Affect Transmission at the Neuromuscular Junction83
Spread of the Action Potential to the Interior of the Muscle Fiber by Way of a Transverse Tubule System84
Excitation-Contraction Coupling84
Transverse Tubule—Sarcoplasmic Reticulum System84
Release of Calcium Ions by the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum85
CHAPTER 8 Contraction and Excitation of Smooth Muscle87
Contraction of Smooth Muscle87
Types of Smooth Muscle87
Contractile Mechanism in Smooth Muscle87
Regulation of Contraction by Calcium Ions89
Neuromuscular Junctions of Smooth Muscle90
Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials in Smooth Muscle90
Neural and Hormonal Control of Smooth Muscle Contraction90
Effect of Local Tissue Factors and Hormones to Cause Smooth Muscle Contraction Without Action Potentials92
Source of Calcium Ions That Cause Contraction:(1)Through the Cell Membrane and (2)from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum93
UNIT Ⅲ The Heart96
CHAPTER 9 Heart Muscle; The Heart as a Pump96
Physiology of Cardiac Muscle96
Physiologic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle96
Action Potentials in Cardiac Muscle97
The Cardiac Cycle99
Diastole and Systole99
Function of the Ventricles as Pumps100
Emptying of the Ventricles During Systole100
Function of the Atria as Primer Pumps100
Relationship of the Electrocardiogram to the Cardiac Cycle100
Function of the Valves101
The Aortic Pressure Curve101
Relationship of the Heart Sounds to Heart Pumping102
Work Output of the Heart102
Chemical Energy Required for Cardiac Contraction: Oxygen Utilization by the Heart103
Regulation of Heart Pumping103
Intrinsic Regulation of Heart Pumping—The Frank-Starling Mechanism103
Effect of Potassium and Calcium Ions on Heart Function106
Effect of Temperature on Heart Function106
Sinus Node (Sinoatrial Node)107
Specialized Excitatory and Conductive System of the Heart107
CHAPTER 10 Rhythmical Excitation of the Heart107
Internodal Pathways and Transmission of the Cardiac Impulse Through the Atria109
Atrioventricular Node, and Delay of Impulse Conduction from the Atria to the Ventricles109
Rapid Transmission in the Ventricular Purkinje System109
Transmission of the Cardiac Impulse in the Ventricular Muscle110
Summary of the Spread of the Cardiac Impulse Through the Heart110
Control of Excitation and Conduction in the Heart111
The Sinus Node as the Pacemaker of the Heart111
Role of the Purkinje System in Causing Synchronous Contraction of the Ventricular Muscle111
Control of Heart Rhythmicity and Impulse Conduction by the Cardiac Nerves: The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nerves112
Depolarization Waves Versus Repolarization Waves114
Characteristics of the Normal Electrocardiogram114
CHAPTER 11 The Normal Electrocardiogram114
Relationship of Atrial and Ventricular Contraction to the Waves of the Electrocardiogram115
Voltage and Time Calibration of the Electrocardiogram115
Methods for Recording Electrocardiograms116
Pen Recorder116
Flow of Current Around the Heart During the Cardiac Cycle116
Recording Electrical Potentials from a Partially Depolarized Mass of Syncytial Cardiac Muscle116
Flow of Electrical Currents in the Chest Around the Heart116
Electrocardiographic Leads117
Three Bipolar Limb Leads117
Chest Leads (Precordial Leads)118
Augumented Unipolar Limb Leads119
Principles of Vectorial Analysis of Electrocardiograms120
Use of Vectors to Represent Electrical Potentials120
Denoting the Direction of a Vector in Terms of Degrees120
Axis of Each of the Standard Bipolar Leads and for Each Unipolar Limb Lead120
CHAPTER 12 Electrocardiographic Interpretation of Cardiac Muscle and Coronary Blood Flow Abnormalities: Vectorial Analysis120
Vectorial Analysis of Potentials Recorded in Different Leads121
Vectorial Analysis of the Normal Electrocardiogram122
Vectors That Occur at Successive Intervals During Depolarization of the Ventricles—The QRS Complex122
Electrocardiogram During Repolarization—The T Wave123
Depolarization of the Atria—The P Wave124
Abnormal Ventricular Conditions That Cause Axis Deviation125
Mean Electrical Axis of the Ventricular QRS—And Its Significance125
Determining the Electrical Axis from Standard Lead Electrocardiograms125
Conditions That Cause Abnormal Voltages of the QRS Complex127
Increased Voltage in the Standard Bipolar Limb Leads127
Decreased Voltage of the Electrocardiogram127
Prolonged and Bizarre Patterns of the QRS Complex128
Prolonged QRS Complex as a Result of Cardiac Hypertrophy or Dilatation128
Prolonged QRS Complex Resulting from Purkinje System Blocks128
Conditions That Cause Bizarre QRS Complexes128
Current of Injury128
Effect of Current of Injury on the QRS Complex128
The J Point—The Zero Reference Potential for Analyzing Current of Injury129
Coronary Ischemia as a Cause of Current of Injury130
Abnormalities in the T Wave132
Effect of Slow Conduction of the Depolarization Wave on the Characteristics of the T Wave132
Prolonged Depolarization in Portions of the Ventricular Muscle as a Cause of Abnormalities in the T Wave132
CHAPTER 13 Cardiac Arrhythmias and Their Electrocardiographic Interpretation134
Abnormal Sinus Rhythms134
Sinus Arrhythmia134
Atrioventricular Block135
Sinoatrial Block135
Abnormal Rhythms That Result from Impulse Conduction Block135
Incomplete Intraventricular Block—Electrical Alternans136
Premature Contractions136
Premature Atrial Contractions137
A-V Nodal or A-V Bundle Premature Contractions137
Premature Ventricular Contractions137
Paroxysmal Tachycardia138
Atrial Paroxysmal Tachycardia138
Ventricular Paroxysmal Tachycardia138
Ventricular Fibrillation138
Phenomenon of Re-entry— Circus Movements as the Basis for Ventricular Fibrillation139
Atrial Fibrillation141
Atrial Flutter142
Cardiac Arrest142
UNIT Ⅳ The Circulation144
CHAPTER 14 Overview of the Circulation; Medical Physics of Pressure, Flow, and Resistance144
Physical Characteristics of the Circulation144
Basic Theory of Circulatory Function146
Interrelationships Among Pressure, Flow, and Resistance146
Blood Flow147
Blood Pressure148
Resistance to Blood Flow149
Effects of Pressure on Vascular Resistance and Tissue Blood Flow151
CHAPTER 15 Vascular Distensibility, and Functions of the Arterial and Venous Systems152
Vascular Distensibility152
Vascular Compliance (or Capacitance)152
Volume-Pressure Curves of the Arterial and Venous Circulations152
Delayed Compliance (Stress-Relaxation) of Vessels153
Arterial Pressure Pulsations153
Transmission of Pressure Pulses to the Peripheral Arteries154
Clinical Methods for Measuring Systolic and Diastolic Pressures155
Veins and Their Functions156
Venous Pressures—Right Atrial Pressure (Central Venous Pressure) and Peripheral Venous Pressures156
Blood Reservoir Function of the Veins160
Structure of the Microcirculation and Capillary System162
CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System: Capillary Fluid Exchange, Interstitial Fluid, and Lymph Flow162
Flow of Blood in the Capillaries—Vasomotion163
Average Function of the Capillary System163
Exchange of Nutrients and Other Substances Between the Blood and Interstitial Fluid164
Diffusion Through the Capillary Membrane164
The Interstitium and Interstitial Fluid165
Proteins in the Plasma and Interstitial Fluid Are Especially Important in Controlling Plasma and Interstitial Fluid Volumes166
Capillary Pressure166
Interstitial Fluid Pressure167
Plasma Colloid Osmotic Pressure168
Exchange of Fluid Volume Through the Capillary Membrane169
Interstitial Fluid Colloid Osmotic Pressure169
Starling Equilibrium for Capillary Exchange170
Lymphatic System170
Lymph Channels of the Body170
Formation of Lymph171
Rate of Lymph Flow172
Role of the Lymphatic System in Controlling Interstitial Fluid Protein Concentration, Interstitial Fluid Volume, and Interstitial Fluid Pressure173
CHAPTER 17 Local Control of Blood Flow by the Tissues; and Humoral Regulation175
Local Control of Blood Flow in Response to Tissue Needs175
Mechanisms of Blood Flow Control175
Acute Control of Local Blood Flow176
Long-Term Blood Flow Regulation179
Development of Collateral Circulation—A Phenomenon of Long-Term Local Blood Flow Regulation180
Vasoconstrictor Agents181
Vasodilator Agents181
Humoral Regulation of the Circulation181
Effects of Ions and Other Chemical Factors on Vascular Control182
CHAPTER 18 Nervous Regulation of the Circulation, and Rapid Control of Arterial Pressure184
Nervous Regulation of the Circulation184
Autonomic Nervous System184
Role of the Nervous System for Rapid Control of Arterial Pressure187
Increase in Arterial Pressure During Muscle Exercise and Other Types of Stress188
Reflex Mechanisms for Maintaining Normal Arterial Pressure188
Central Nervous System Ischemic Response—Control of Arterial Pressure by the Brain s Vasomotor Center in Response to Diminished Brain Blood Flow191
Role of the Skeletal Nerves and Skeletal Muscles in Increasing Cardiac Output and Arterial Pressure192
Special Features of Nervous Control of Arterial Pressure192
Respiratory Waves in the Arterial Pressure193
Arterial Pressure Vasomotor Waves—Oscillation of the Pressure Reflex Control Systems193
CHAPTER 19 Dominant Role of the Kidney in Long-Term Regulation of Arterial Pressure and in Hypertension: The Integrated System for Pressure Control195
The Renal-Body Fluid System for Arterial Pressure Control195
Quantitation of Pressure Diuresis as a Basis for Arterial Pressure Control195
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): This Is Often Caused by Excess Extracellular Fluid Volume199
The Renin-Angiotensin System: Its Role in Pressure Control and in Hypertension201
Components of the Renin-Angiotensin System201
Types of Hypertension in Which Angiotensin Is Involved: Hypertension Caused by a Renin-Secreting Tumor or by Infusion of Angiotensin Ⅱ203
Other Types of Hypertension Caused by Combinations of Volume-Loading and Vasoconstriction205
“Essential Hypertension” in Human Beings205
Summary of the Integrated, Multifaceted System for Arterial Pressure Regulation207
CHAPTER 20 Cardiac Output, Venous Return, and Their Regulation210
Normal Values for Cardiac Output at Rest and During Activity210
Control of Cardiac Output by Venous Return—Role of the Frank-Starling Mechanism of the Heart210
Cardiac Output Regulation Is the Sum of Blood Flow Regulation in All the Local Tissues of the Body—Tissue Metabolism Regulates Most Local Blood Flow211
The Heart Has Limits for the Cardiac Output That It Can Achieve212
What Is the Role of the Nervous System in Controlling Cardiac Output?212
Pathologically High and Pathologically Low Cardiac Outputs213
High Cardiac Output Is Almost Always Caused by Reduced Total Peripheral Resistance213
Low Cardiac Output214
A More Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Output Regulation214
Venous Return Curves215
Cardiac Output Curves Used in Quantitative Analysis215
Analysis of Cardiac Output and Right Atrial Pressure, Using Simultaneous Cardiac Output and Venous Return Curves218
Methods for Measuring Cardiac Output220
Pulsatile Output of the Heart as Measured by an Electromagnetic or Ultrasonic Flowmeter220
Measurement of Cardiac Output by the Oxygen Fick Method220
Indicator Dilution Method221
CHAPTER 21 Muscle Blood Flow and Cardiac Output During Exercise; the Coronary Circulation and Ischemic Heart Disease223
Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscle and Its Regulation During Exercise223
Rate of Blood Flow Through the Muscles223
Control of Blood Flow Through the Skeletal Muscles223
Circulatory Readjustments During Exercise224
Normal Coronary Blood Flow226
Coronary Circulation226
Physiologic Anatomy of the Coronary Blood Supply226
Control of Coronary Blood Flow227
Special Features of Cardiac Muscle Metabolism228
Ischemie Heart Disease229
Causes of Death After Acute Coronary Occlusion230
Stages of Recovery from Acute Myocardial Infarction231
Function of the Heart After Recovery from Myocardial Infarction232
Pain in Coronary Disease232
Surgical Treatment of Coronary Disease233
Acute Effects of Moderate Cardiac Failure235
Dynamics of the Circulation in Cardiac Failure235
CHAPTER 22 Cardiac Failure235
Chronic Stage of Failure-Fluid Retention Helps to Compensate Cardiac Output236
Summary of the Changes That Occur After Acute Cardiac Failure— Compensated Heart Failure237
Dynamics of Severe Cardiac Failure—Decompensated Heart Failure237
Unilateral Left Heart Failure239
Low-Output Cardiac Failure—Cardiogenic Shock239
Edema in Patients with Cardiac Failure239
Cardiac Reserve241
Quantitative Graphical Method for Analysis of Cardiac Failure241
Normal Heart Sounds245
Heart Sounds245
CHAPTER 23 Heart Valves and Heart Sounds; Dynamics of Valvular and Congenital Heart Defects245
Valvular Lesions247
Abnormal Circulatory Dynamics in Valvular Heart Disease248
Dynamics of the Circulation in Aortic Stenosis and Aortic Regurgitation248
Dynamics of Mitral Stenosis and Mitral Regurgitation248
Circulatory Dynamics During Exercise in Patients with Valvular Lesions249
Abnormal Circulatory Dynamics in Congenital Heart Defects249
Patent Ductus Arteriosus—A Left-to-Right Shunt249
Tetralogy of Fallot—A Right-to-Left Shunt251
Causes of Congenital Anomalies251
Use of Extracorporeal Circulation During Cardiac Surgery251
Hypertrophy of the Heart in Valvular and Congenital Heart Disease252
CHAPTER 24 Circulatory Shock and Physiology of Its Treatment253
Physiologic Causes of Shock253
Circulatory Shock Caused by Decreased Cardiac Output253
Circulatory Shock That Occurs Without Diminished Cardiac Output253
What Happens to the Arterial Pressure in Circulatory Shock?253
Tissue Deterioration Is the End Stage of Circulatory Shock, Whatever the Cause253
Stages of Shock254
Shock Caused by Hypovolemia—Hemorrhagic Shock254
Relationship of Bleeding Volume to Cardiac Output and Arterial Pressure254
Progressive and Nonprogressive Hemorrhagic Shock255
Irreversible Shock258
Anaphylactic Shock and Histamine Shock259
Neurogenic Shock—Increased Vascular Capacity259
Hypovolemic Shock Caused by Plasma Loss259
Hypovolemic Shock Caused by Trauma259
Septic Shock260
Physiology of Treatment in Shock260
Replacement Therapy260
Treatment of Shock with Sympathomimetic Drugs—Sometimes Useful, Sometimes Not261
Other Therapy261
Circulatory Arrest261
Effect of Circulatory Arrest on the Brain261
Daily loss of Body Water264
Daily Intake of Water264
Fluid Intake and Output Are Balanced During Steady-State Conditions264
CHAPTER 25 The Body Fluid Compartments: Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids; Interstitial Fluid and Edema264
UNIT Ⅴ The Kidneys and Body Fluids264
Body Fluid Compartments265
Intracellular Fluid Compartment265
Extracellular Fluid Compartment266
Blood Volume266
Constituents of Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids266
Ionic Compositions of Plasma and Interstitial Fluid Are Similar266
Important Constituents of the Intracellular Fluid267
Determination of Volumes of Specitic Body Fluid Compartments268
Measurement of Fluid Volumes in the Different Body Fluid Compartments; the Indicator-Dilution Principle268
Basic Principles of Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure269
Regulation of Fluid Exchange and Osmotic Equilibria Between Intracellular and Extracellular Fluid269
Osmotic Equilibrium Is Maintained Between Intracellular and Extracellular Fluids271
Volumes and Osmolalities of Extracellular and Intracellular Fluid in Abnormal States272
Effect of Adding Saline Solution to the Extracellular Fluid272
Glucose and Other Solutions Administered for Nutritive Purposes273
Clinical Abnormalities of Fluid Volume Regulation: Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia273
Edema: Excess Fluid in the Tissues274
Intracellular Edema274
Extracellular Edema274
Causes of Hypernatremia: Water Loss or Excess Sodium274
Causes of Hyponatremia: Excess Water or loss of Sodium274
Safety Factors That Normally Prevent Edema276
Fluids in the Potential Spaces of the Body277
CHAPTER 26 Urine Formation by the Kidneys: I. Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control279
Multiple Functions of the Kidneys in Homeostasis279
Physiologic Anatomy of the Kidneys280
General Organization of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract280
Renal Blood Supply281
The Nephron Is the Functional Unit of the Kidney281
Urine Formation Results from Glomerular Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption, and Tubular Secretion282
Filtration, Reabsorption, and Secretion of Different Substances283
Glomerular Capillary Membrane284
GFR Is About 20 Per Cent of the Renal Plasma Flow284
Glomerular Filtration—The First Step In Urine Formation284
Composition of the Glomerular Filtrate284
Determinants of the Glomerular Filtration Rate286
Increased Glomerular Capillary Filtration Coefficient (K1) Increases GFR286
Increased Bowman s Capsule Hydrostatic Pressure Decreases GFR287
Increased Glomerular Capillary Colloid Osmotic Pressure Decreases GFR287
Increased Glomerular Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure Increases GFR287
Renal Blood Flow288
Determinants of Renal Blood Flow288
Hormonal and Autacoid Control of Renal Circulation289
Sympathetic Nervous System Activation Decreases GFR289
Physiologic Control of Glomerular Filtration and Renal Blood Flow289
Blood Flow in the Vasa Recta of the Renal Medulla Is Very Low Compared with Flow in the Renal Cortex289
Autoregulation of GFR and Renal Blood Flow290
Importance of GFR Autoregulation in Preventing Extreme Changes in Renal Excretion291
Role of Tubuloglomerular Feedback in Autoregulation of GFR291
Myogenic Autoregulation of Renal Blood Flow and GFR293
Other Factors That Increase Renal Blood Flow and GFR: High Protein Intake and Increased Blood Glucose293
CHAPTER 27 Urine Formation by the Kidneys: Ⅱ.Tubular Processing of the Glomerular Filtrate295
Reabsorption and Secretion by the Renal Tubules295
Tubular Reabsorption Is Selective and Quantitatively large295
Tubular Reabsorption Includes Passive and Active Mechanisms295
Active Transport296
Passive Water Reabsorption by Osmosis Is Coupled Mainly to Sodium Reabsorption299
Reabsorption of Chloride, Urea, and Other Solutes by Passive Diffusion300
Reabsorption and Secretion Along Different Parts of the Nephron300
Proximal Tubular Reabsorption300
Solute and Water Transport in the Loop of Henle302
Distal Tubule303
late Distal Tubule and Cortical Collecting Tubule303
Medullary Collecting Duct304
Summary of Concentrations of Different Solutes in the Different Tubular Segments304
Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption305
Glomerulotubular Balance—The Ability of the Tubules to Increase Reabsorption Rate in Response to Increased Tubular load305
Peritubular Capillary and Renal Interstitial Fluid Physical Forces306
Effect of Arterial Pressure on Urine Output—The Pressure-Natriuresis and Pressure-Diuresis Mechanisms308
Hormonal Control of Tubular Reabsorption308
Use of Clearance Methods to Quantify Kidney Function309
PAH Clearance Can Be Used to Estimate Renal Plasma Flow311
Filtration Fraction Is Calculated from GFR Divided by Plasma Renal Flow311
Calculation of Tubular Reabsorption or Secretion from Renal Clearances311
CHAPTER 28 Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium Concentration313
The Kidney Excretes Excess Water by Forming a Dilute Urine313
Antidiuretic Hormone Controls Urine Concentration313
Renal Mechanisms for Excreting a Dilute Urine313
The Countercurrent Mechanism Produces a Hyperosmotic Renal Medullary Interstitium315
Requirements for Excreting a Concentrated Urine—High ADH Levels and Hyperosmotic Renal Medulla315
Obligatory Urine Volume315
The Kidney Conserves Water by Excreting a Concentrated Urine315
Role of the Distal Tubule and Collecting Ducts in Excreting a Concentrated Urine317
Urea Contributes to Hyperosmotic Renal Medullary Interstitium and to a Concentrated Urine318
Countercurrent Exchange in the Vasa Recta Preserves Hyperosmolarity of the Renal Medulla319
Summary of Urine Concentrating Mechanism and Changes in Osmolarity in Different Segments of the Tubules320
Quantifying Renal Urine Concentration and Dilution: Free Water and Osmolar Clearances321
Disorders of Urinary Concentrating Ability322
Control of Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium Concentration322
Estimating Plasma Osmolarity from Plasma Sodium Concentration322
ADH Synthesis in Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei of the Hypothalamus and ADH Release from the Posterior Pituitary323
Osmoreceptor-ADH Feedback System323
Cardiovascular Reflex Stimulation of ADH Release by Decreased Arterial Pressure and/or Decreased Blood Volume324
Quantitative Importance of Cardiovascular Reflexes and Osmolarity in Stimulating ADH Secretion324
Other Stimuli for ADH Secretion324
Role of Thirst in Controlling Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium Concentration325
Central Nervous System Centers for Thirst325
Stimuli for Thirst325
Threshold for Osmolar Stimulus of Drinking326
Integrated Responses of Osmoreceptor-ADH and Thirst Mechanisms in Controlling Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium Concentration326
Role of Angiotensin Ⅱ and Aldosterone in Controlling Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity and Sodium Concentration327
Salt-Appetite Mechanism for Controlling Extracellular Fluid Sodium Concentration and Volume327
Sodium Excretion Is Controlled by Altering Glomerular Filtration or Tubular Sodium Reabsorption Rates329
Sodium Excretion Is Precisely Matched to Intake Under Steady-State Conditions329
CHAPTER 29 Integration of Renal Mechanisms for Control of Blood Volume and Extracellular Fluid Volume; and Renal Regulation of Potassium, Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium329
Control Mechanisms for Regulating Sodium and Water Excretion329
Importance of Pressure Natriuresis and Pressure Diuresis in Maintaining Body Sodium and Fluid Balance330
Pressure Natriuresis and Diuresis Are Key Components of a Renal-Body Fluid Feedback for Regulating Body Fluid Volumes and Arterial Pressure330
Precision of Blood Volume and Extracellular Fluid Volume Regulation331
Distribution of Extracellular Fluid Between the Interstitial Spaces and Vascular System332
Nervous and Hormonal Factors Increase the Effectiveness of Renal-Body Fluid Feedback Control332
Sympathetic Nervous System Control of Renal Excretion: The Arterial Baroreceptor and Low-Pressure Stretch Receptor Reflexes332
Role of Angiotensin Ⅱ in Controlling Renal Excretion333
Role of Aldosterone in Controlling Renal Excretion334
Role of ADH in Controlling Renal Water Excretion334
Conditions That Cause Large Increases in Blood Volume and Extracellular Fluid Volume335
Increased Blood Volume and Extracellular Fluid Volume Caused by Heart Diseases335
Role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Controlling Renal Excretion335
Integrated Responses to Changes in Sodium Intake335
Increased Blood Volume Caused by Increased Capacity of the Circulation336
Conditions That Cause Large Increases in Extracellular Fluid Volume but with Normal Blood Volume336
Nephrotic Syndrome—Loss of Plasma Proteins in the Urine and Sodium Retention by the Kidneys336
Liver Cirrhosis—Decreased Synthesis of Plasma Proteins by the Liver and Sodium Retention by the Kidneys336
Regulation of Potassium Excretion and Potassium Concentration in the Extracellular Fluid336
Regulation of Internal Potassium Distribution337
Overview of Renal Potassium Excretion338
Summary of Factors That Regulate Potassium Secretion: Plasma Potassium Concentration, Aldosterone, Tubular Flow Rate, and Hydrogen Ion339
Potassium Secretion in the Principal Cells of the Late Distal and Cortical Collecting Tubules339
Control of Renal Calcium Excretion and Extracellular Calcium Ion Concentration342
Control of Calcium Excretion by the Kidneys343
Regulation of Renal Phosphate Excretion343
Control of Renal Magnesium Excretion and Extracellular Magnesium Ion Concentration344
CHAPTER 30 Regulation of Acid-Base Balance346
Hydrogen Ion Concentration Is Precisely Regulated346
Acids and Bases—Their Definitions and Meanings346
Defenses Against Changes in Hydrogen Ion Concentration: Buffers, Lungs, and Kidneys347
Buffering of Hydrogen Ions in the Body Fluids347
Quantitative Dynamics of the Bicarbonate Buffer System348
The Bicarbonate Buffer System348
The Phosphate Buffer System350
Proteins: Important Intracellular Buffers350
Isohydric Principle: All Buffers in a Common Solution Are in Equilibrium with the Same Hydrogen Ion Concentration350
Respiratory Regulation of Acid-Base Balance351
Pulmonary Expiration of CO2 Balances Metabolic Formation of CO2351
Increasing Alveolar Ventilation Decreases Extracellular Fluid Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Raises pH351
Increased Hydrogen Ion Concentration Stimulates Alveolar Ventilation351
Renal Control of Acid-Base Balance352
Secretion of Hydrogen Ions and Reabsorption of Bicarbonate Ions by the Renal Tubule353
Hydrogen Ions Are Secreted by Secondary Active Transport in the Early Tubular Segments353
Filtered Bicarbonate Ions Are Reabsorbed by Interaction with Hydrogen Ions in the Tubules354
Combination of Excess Hydrogen Ions With Phosphate and Ammonia Buffers in the Tubule—A Mechanism for Generating New Bicarbonate Ions355
Primary Active Secretion of Hydrogen Ions in the Intercalated Cells of Late Distal and Collecting Tubules355
The Phosphate Buffer System Carries Excess Hydrogen Ions into the Urine and Generates New Bicarbonate356
Excretion of Excess Hydrogen Ions and Generation of New Bicarbonate by the Ammonia Buffer System356
Quantifying Renal Acid-Base Excretion357
Regulation of Renal Tubular Hydrogen Ion Secretion357
Renal Correction of Acidosis—Increased Excretion of Hydrogen Ions and Addition of Bicarbonate Ions to the Extracellular Fluid358
Acidosis Decreases the Ratio of HCO3-/H+ in Renal Tubular Fluid358
Respiratory Alkalosis Results from Increased Ventilation and Decreased PCO2359
Respiratory Acidosis Is Caused by Decreased Ventilation and Increased PCO2359
Clinical Causes of Acid-Base Disorders359
Alkalosis Increases the Ratio of HCO3-/H+ in Renal Tubular Fluid359
Renal Correction of Alkalosis—Decreased Tubular Secretion of Hydrogen Ions and Increased Excretion of Bicarbonate Ions359
Metabolic Acidosis Results from Decreased Extracellular Fluid Bicarbonate Concentration360
Metabolic Alkalosis Is Caused by Increased Extracellular Fluid Bicarbonate Concentration360
Treatment of Acidosis or Alkalosis360
Clinical Measurements and Analysis of Acid-Base Disorders361
Complex Acid-Base Disorders and the Use of the Acid-Base Nomogram for Diagnosis361
Use of Anion Gap to Diagnose Acid-Base Disorders362
Innervation of the Bladder364
Physiologic Anatomy and Nervous Connections of the Bladder364
Transport of Urine from the Kidney Through the Ureters and Into the Bladder364
CHAPTER 31 Micturition, Diuretics, and Kidney Diseases364
Filling of the Bladder and Bladder Wall Tone; The Cystometrogram365
Micturition Reflex366
Facilitation or Inhibition of Micturition by the Brain366
Abnormalities of Micturition366
Diuretics and Their Mechanisms of Action367
Osmotic Diuretics Decrease Water Reabsorption by Increasing Osmotic Pressure of Tubular Fluid367
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors Block Sodium-Bicarbonate Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubules368
Diuretics That Block Sodium Channels in the Collecting Tubules Decrease Sodium Reabsorption368
Competitive Inhibitors of Aldosterone Decrease Sodium Reabsorption from and Potassium Secretion into the Cortical Collecting Tubule368
Thiazide Diuretics Inhibit Sodium-Chloride Reabsorption in the Early Distal Tubule368
Loop Diuretics Decrease Active Sodium-Chloride-Potassium Reabsorption in the Thick Ascending Loop of Henle368
Kidney Diseases369
Acute Renal Failure369
Prerenal Acute Renal Failure Caused by Decreased Blood Flow to the Kidney369
Intrarenal Acute Renal Failure Caused by Abnormalities Within the Kidney369
Postrenal Acute Renal Failure Caused by Abnormalities of the Lower Urinary Tract370
Physiologic Effects of Acute Renal Failure370
Chronic Renal Failure: An Irreversible Decrease in the Number of Functional Nephrons371
Vicious Circle of Chronic Renal Failure Leading to End-Stage Renal Disease371
Injury to the Renal Vasculature as a Cause of Chronic Renal Failure371
Injury to the Glomeruli as a Cause of Chronic Renal Failure—Glomerulonephritis372
Nephrotic Syndrome—Excretion of Protein in the Urine Because of Increased Glomerular Permeability373
Abnormal Nephron Function in Chronic Renal Failure373
Injury to the Renal Interstitium as a Cause of Chronic Renal Failure—Pyelonephritis373
Effects of Renal Failure on the Body Fluids—Uremia375
Hypertension and Kidney Disease376
Specific Tubular Disorders377
Treatment of Renal Failure by Dialysis With an Artificial Kidney377
UNIT Ⅵ Blood Cells, Immunity, and Blood Clotting382
CHAPTER 32 Red Blood Cells, Anemia, and Polycythemia382
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)382
Production of Red Blood Cells382
Formation of Hemoglobin386
Iron Metabolism387
Destruction of Red Blood Cells389
The Anemias389
Effects of Anemia on the Circulatory System390
Effect of Polycythemia on the Circulatory System390
CHAPTER 33 Resistance of the Body to Infection: Ⅰ. Leukocytes, Granulocytes, the Monocyte-Macrophage System, and Inflammation392
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)392
General Characteristics of Leukocytes392
Genesis of the White Blood Cells392
Life Span of the White Blood Cells393
Defense Properties of Neutrophils and Macrophages393
Monocyte-Macrophage System (Reticuloendothelial System)395
Inflammation and Role of Neutrophils and Macrophages397
Macrophage and Neutrophil Responses During Inflammation397
The Leukemias400
Effects of Leukemia on the Body400
Both Types of Acquired Immunity Are Initiated by Antigens402
Basic Types of Acquired Immunity402
Acquired Immunity402
Innate Immunity402
CHAPTER 34 Resistance of the Body to Infection: Ⅱ. Immunity and Allergy402
Lymphocytes Are the Basis of Acquired Immunity403
Preprocessing of the T and B Lymphocytes403
T Lymphocytes and B-Lymphocyte Antibodies React Highly Specifically Against Specific Antigens—Role of Lymphocyte Clones404
Origin of the Many Clones of Lymphocytes405
Specific Attributes of the B-Lymphocyte System—Humoral Immunity and the Antibodies405
Special Attributes of the T-Lymphocyte System—Activated T Cells and Cell-Mediated Immunity408
Several Types of T Cells and Their Different Functions409
Tolerance of the Acquired Immunity System to One s Own Tissues—Role of Preprocessing in the Thymus and Bone Marrow410
Allergies in the So-Called Allergic Person, Who Has Excess IgE Antibodies411
Allergy Caused by Activated T Cells: Delayed-Reaction Allergy411
Passive Immunity411
Allergy and Hypersensitivity411
CHAPTER 35 Blood Groups; Transfusion; Tissue and Organ Transplantation413
Antigenicity Causes Immune Reactions of Blood413
O-A-B Blood Groups413
A and B Antigens—Agglutinogens413
Agglutination Process in Transfusion Reactions414
Blood Typing414
Rh Immune Response415
Rh Blood Types415
Transfusion Reactions Resulting from Mismatched Blood Types416
Transplantation of Tissues and Organs416
Attempts to Overcome the Immune Reaction to Transplanted Tissue417
CHAPTER 36 Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation419
Events in Hemostasis419
Vascular Constriction419
Formation of the Platelet Plug419
Blood Coagulation in the Ruptured Vessel420
Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin—Formation of the Clot421
Conversion of Prothrombin to Thrombin421
Fibrous Organization or Dissolution of the Blood Clot421
Mechanism of Blood Coagulation421
Vicious Circle of Clot Formation422
Initiation of Coagulation: Formation of Prothrombin Activator422
Prevention of Blood Clotting in the Normal Vascular System—The Intravascular Anticoagulants425
Lysis of Blood Clots—Plasmin425
Conditions That Cause Excessive Bleeding in Human Beings426
Decreased Prothrombin, Factor Ⅶ, Factor Ⅸ, and Factor Ⅹ Caused by Vitamin K Deficiency426
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation427
Thromboembolic Conditions in the Human Being427
Femoral Venous Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Embolism427
Anticoagulants for Clinical Use428
Heparin as an Intravenous Anticoagulant428
Coumarins as Anticoagulants428
Prevention of Blood Coagulation Outside the Body428
Blood Coagulation Tests428
Bleeding Time428
Clotting Time428
Prothrombin Time429
Muscles That Cause Lung Expansion and Contraction432
Mechanics of Pulmonary Ventilation432
Movement of Air In and Out of the Lungs—and the Pressures That Cause the Movement432
CHAPTER 37 Pulmonary Ventilation432
UNIT Ⅶ Respiration432
Effect of the Thoracic Cage on Lung Expansibility435
Work of Breathing435
Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities436
Recording Changes in Pulmonary Volume—Spirometry436
Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Pulmonary Function Studies437
Determination of Functional Residual Capacity, Residual Volume, and Total Lung Capacity—Helium Dilution Method437
Minute Respiratory Volume Equals Respiratory Rate Times Tidal Volume438
Alveolar Ventilation438
Rate of Alveolar Ventilation439
Dead Space and Its Effect on Alveolar Ventilation439
Functions of the Respiratory Passageways440
Trachea, Bronchi, and Bronchioles440
Normal Respiratory Functions of the Nose441
CHAPTER 38 Pulmonary Circulation; Pulmonary Edema; Pleural Fluid444
Physiologic Anatomy of the Pulmonary Circulatory System444
Pressures in the Pulmonary System444
Blood Volume of the Lungs445
Blood Flow Through the Lungs and Its Distribution445
Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Gradients in the Lungs on Regional Pulmonary Blood Flow446
Zones 1, 2, and 3 of Pulmonary Blood Flow446
Function of the Pulmonary Circulation When the Left Atrial Pressure Rises as a Result of Left-Sided Heart Failure447
Effect of Increased Cardiac Output on the Pulmonary Circulation During Heavy Exercise447
Capillary Exchange of Fluid in the Lungs, and Pulmonary Interstitial Fluid Dynamics448
Pulmonary Capillary Dynamics448
Pulmonary Edema449
Fluids in the Pleural Cavity450
CHAPTER 39 Physical Principles of Gas Exchange; Diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Through the Respiratory Membrane452
Physics of Gas Diffusion and Gas Partial Pressures452
Molecular Basis of Gas Diffusion452
Gas Pressures in a Mixture of Gases— Partial Pressures of Individual Gases452
Pressures of Gases Dissolved in Water and Tissues452
Vapor Pressure of Water453
Diffusion of Gases Through Fluids—Pressure Difference Causes Net Diffusion453
Rate at Which Alveolar Air Is Renewed by Atmospheric Air454
Diffusion of Gases Through Tissues454
Composition of Alveolar Air—Its Relation to Atmospheric Air454
Oxygen Concentration and Partial Pressure in the Alveoli455
CO2 Concentration and Partial Pressure in the Alveoli455
Expired Air456
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory Membrane456
Factors That Affect the Rate of Gas Diffusion Through the Respiratory Membrane457
Diffusing Capacity of the Respiratory Membrane458
Effect of the Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio on Alveolar Gas Concentration460
PO2-PCO2, VA/Q Diagram460
Abnormalities of Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio461
Concept of Physiologic Dead Space (When VA/Q Is Creater Than Normal)461
Concept of Physiologic Shunt (When VA/Q Is Below Normal)461
CHAPTER 40 Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood and Body Fluids463
Pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Lungs, Blood, and Tissues463
Uptake of Oxygen by the Pulmonary Blood463
Transport of Oxygen in the Arterial Blood464
Diffusion of Oxygen from the Peripheral Capillaries into the Tissue Fluid464
Diffusion of Oxygen from the Peripheral Tissue Capillaries to the Tissue Cells465
Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide from the Peripheral Tissue Cells into the Tissue Capillaries and from the Pulmonary Capillaries into the Alveoli465
Transport of Oxygen in the Blood466
Reversible Combination of Oxygen with Hemoglobin466
Effect of Hemoglobin to Buffer the Tissue Po2467
Factors That Shift the Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve—Their Importance for Oxygen Transport468
Metabolic Use of Oxygen by the Cells469
Transport of Oxygen in the Dissolved State469
Combination of Hemoglobin with Carbon Monoxide—Displacement of Oxygen469
Transport of Carbon Dioxide in the Blood470
Chemical Forms in Which Carbon Dioxide Is Transported470
Transport of Carbon Dioxide in the Form of Bicarbonate Ion470
Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve471
When Oxygen Binds with Hemoglobin, Carbon Dioxide Is Released—The Haldane Effect—to Increase CO2 Transport471
Change in Blood Acidity During Carbon Dioxide Transport472
Respiratory Exchange Ratio472
Dorsal Respiratory Group of Neurons—Its Control of Inspiration and of Respiratory Rhythm474
Respiratory Center474
CHAPTER 41 Regulation of Respiration474
The Pneumotaxic Center Limits the Duration of Inspiration and Increases the Respiratory Rate475
Ventral Respiratory Group of Neurons Functions in Both Inspiration and Expiration475
Possibility of an Apneustic Center in the Lower Pons475
Lung Inflation Signals Limit Inspiration—The Hering-Breuer Inflation Reflex475
Control of Overall Respiratory Center Activity476
Chemical Control of Respiration476
Direct Chemical Control of Respiratory Center Activity by Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Ions476
Peripheral Chemoreceptor System for Control of Respiratory Activity—Role of Oxygen in Respiratory Control477
Composite Effects of Pco2, pH, and Po2 on Alveolar Ventilation479
Regulation of Respiration During Exercise479
Other Factors That Affect Respiration481
Periodic Breathing482
CHAPTER 42 Respiratory Insufficiency—Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Oxygen Therapy484
Useful Methods for Studying Respiratory Abnormalities484
Study of Blood Gases and Blood pH484
Measurement of Maximum Expiratory Flow485
Forced Expiratory Vital Capacity and Forced Expiratory Volume486
Physiologic Peculiarities of Specific Pulmonary Abnormalities486
Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema486
Oxygen Therapy in Different Types of Hypoxia490
Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy490
Artificial Respiration492
UNIT Ⅷ Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology496
CHAPTER 43 Aviation, High-Altitude, and Space Physiology496
Effects of Low Oxygen Pressure on the Body496
Alveolar PO2 at Different Elevations496
Effect of Breathing Pure Oxygen on Alveolar PO2 at Different Altitudes496
Acclimatization to Low PO2497
Acute Effects of Hypoxia497
Natural Acclimatization of Native Human Beings Living at High Altitudes498
Work Capacity at High Altitudes—The Effect of Acclimatization499
Chronic Mountain Sickness499
Acute Mountain Sickness and High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema499
Effects of Acceleratory Forces on the Body in Aviation and Space Physiology500
Centrifugal Acceleratory Forces500
Effects of Linear Acceleratory Forces on the Body501
Artificial Climate in the Sealed Spacecraft502
Weightlessness in Space502
Effect of High Partial Pressures of Gases on the Body504
Oxygen Toxicity at High Pressures504
CHAPTER 44 Physiology of Deep-Sea Diving and Other Hyperbaric Conditions504
Decompression of the Diver After Exposure to High Pressures506
Scuba (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)Diving508
Special Physiologic Problems in Submarines508
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy509
UNIT Ⅸ The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology512
CHAPTER 45 Organization of the Nervous System; Basic Functions of Synapses and Transmitter Substances512
General Design of the Nervous System512
The Central Nervous System Neuron—The Basic Functional Unit512
Sensory Division of the Nervous System—Sensory Receptors512
Motor Division—The Effectors512
Processing of Information— Integrative Function of the Nervous System513
Storage of Information—Memory514
Major Levels of Central Nervous System Function514
Spinal Cord Level514
Lower Brain or Subcortical Level514
Higher Brain or Cortical Level515
Comparison of the Nervous System With an Electronic Computer515
Central Nervous System Synapses515
Types of Synapses—Chemical and Electrical515
Physiologic Anatomy of the Synapse516
Chemical Substances That Function as Synaptic Transmitters519
Electrical Events During Neuronal Excitation521
Electrical Events in Neuronal Inhibition522
Special Functions of Dendrites in Exciting Neurons524
Relation of State of Excitation of the Neuron to Rate of Firing525
Some Special Characteristics of Synaptic Transmission525
CHAPTER 46 Sensory Receptors; Neuronal Circuits for Processing Information528
Types of Sensory Receptors and the Sensory Stimuli They Detect528
Differential Sensitivity of Receptors528
Transduction of Sensory Stimuli Into Nerve Impulses529
Local Electrical Currents at Nerve Endings—Receptor Potentials529
Adaptation of Receptors531
Nerve Fibers That Transmit Different Types of Signals and Their Physiologic Classification532
Transmission and Processing of Signals in Neuronal Pools533
Transmission of Signals of Different Intensity in Nerve Tracts—Spatial and Temporal Summation533
Relaying of Signals Through Neuronal Pools534
Prolongation of a Signal by a Neuronal Pool— Afterdischarge536
Instability and Stability of Neuronal Circuits538
Inhibitory Circuits as a Mechanism for Stabilizing Nervous System Function538
Synaptic Fatigue as a Means of Stabilizing the Nervous System538
CHAPTER 47 Somatic Sensations: Ⅰ. General Organization; the Tactile and Position Senses540
Classification of Somatic Senses540
Detection and Transmission of Tactile Sensations540
Detection of Vibration541
Anatomy of the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System542
Transmission in the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System542
Anterolateral System542
Sensory Pathways for Transmitting Somatic Signals into the Central Nervous System542
Tickling and Itch542
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System542
Somatosensory Cortex544
Somatosensory Association Areas546
Overall Characteristics of Signal Transmission and Analysis in the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System546
Interpretation of Sensory Stimulus Intensity548
Judgment of Stimulus Intensity548
Position Senses548
Transmission of Less Critical Sensory Signals in the Anterolateral Pathway549
Anatomy of the Anterolateral Pathway549
Cortical Control of Sensory Sensitivity— Corticofugal Signals550
Some Special Aspects of Somatosensory Function550
Function of the Thalamus in Somatic Sensation550
Segmental Fields of Sensation—The Dermatomes551
CHAPTER 48 Somatic Sensations: Ⅱ. Pain, Headache, and Thermal Sensations552
Types of Pain and Their Qualities—Fast Pain and Slow Pain552
Pain Receptors and Their Stimulation552
Rate of Tissue Damage as a Stimulus for Pain553
Dual Transmission of Pain Signals into the Central Nervous System553
Dual Pain Pathways in the Cord and Brain Stem—The Neospinothalamic Tract and the Paleospinothalamic Tract554
Pain Suppression ( Analgesia ) System in the Brain and Spinal Cord555
The Brain s Opiate System—The Endorphins and Enkephalins556
Causes of True Visceral Pain557
Visceral Pain557
Inhibition of Pain Transmission by Tactile Sensory Signals557
Referred Pain557
Treatment of Pain by Electrical Stimulation557
Parietal Pain Caused by Visceral Damage558
Localization of Visceral Pain—The Visceral and the Parietal Pain Transmission Pathways558
Some Clinical Abnormalities of Pain and Other Somatic Sensations559
Thalamic Syndrome559
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)559
Tic Douloureux559
Headache of Intracranial Origin560
Brown-Sequard Syndrome560
Extracranial Types of Headache561
Thermal Sensations561
Thermal Receptors and Their Excitation561
Transmission of Thermal Signals in the Nervous System562
UNIT Ⅹ The Nervous System: B. The Special Senses566
CHAPTER 49 The Eye: Ⅰ. Optics of Vision566
Physical Principles of Optics566
Refraction of Light566
Application of Refractive Principles to Lenses566
Focal Length of a Lens567
Formation of an Image by a Convex Lens568
Measurement of the Refractive Power of a Lens—The Diopter569
Optics of the Eye569
The Eye as a Camera569
Mechanism of Accommodation570
Pupillary Diameter571
Errors of Refraction571
Visual Acuity573
Determination of Distance of an Object from the Eye—Depth Perception574
Formation of Aqueous Humor by the Ciliary Body575
Fluid System of the Eye—Intraocular Fluid575
Outflow of Aqueous Humor from the Eye576
Intraocular Pressure576
CHAPTER 50 The Eye: Ⅱ. Receptor and Neural Function of the Retina578
Anatomy and Function of the Structural Elements of the Retina578
Photochemistry of Vision579
Rhodopsin-Retinal Visual Cycle, and Excitation of the Rods580
Automatic Regulation of Retinal Sensitivity—Light and Dark Adaptation582
Color Vision584
Tricolor Mechanism of Color Detection584
Color Blindness584
Neural Circuitry of the Retina586
Neural Function of the Retina586
Ganglion Cells588
Excitation of the Ganglion Cells588
CHAPTER 51 The Eye: Ⅲ. Central Neurophysiology of Vision591
Visual Pathways591
Function of the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus591
Organization and Function of the Visual Cortex592
Layered Structure of the Primary Visual Cortex593
Two Major Pathways for Analysis of Visual Information—(1) The Fast Position and Motion Pathway; (2) The Accurate Color Pathway594
Neuronal Patterns of Stimulation During Analysis of the Visual Image594
Fields of Vision; Perimetry595
Effect of Removing the Primary Visual Cortex595
Detection of Color595
Eye Movements and Their Control596
Fixation Movements of the Eyes596
Fusion of the Visual Images from the Two Eyes598
Autonomic Control of Accommodation and Pupillary Aperture599
Control of Accommodation (Focusing the Eyes)599
Control of Pupillary Diameter600
CHAPTER 52 The Sense of Hearing602
Tympanic Membrane and the Ossicular System602
Conduction of Sound from the Tympanic Membrane to the Cochlea602
Functional Anatomy of the Cochlea603
The Cochlea603
Transmission of Sound Through Bone603
Transmission of Sound Waves in the Cochlea—The Traveling Wave604
Function of the Organ of Corti605
Determination of Sound Frequency—The Place Principle607
Determination of Loudness607
Central Auditory Mechanisms608
Auditory Pathways608
Function of the Cerebral Cortex in Hearing609
Determination of the Direction from Which Sound Comes610
Hearing Abnormalities611
Types of Deafness611
Centrifugal Signals from the Central Nervous System to Lower Auditory Centers611
CHAPTER 53 The Chemical Senses—Taste and Smell613
Sense of Taste613
Primary Sensations of Taste613
Taste Bud and Its Function614
Transmission of Taste Signals into the Central Nervous System615
Taste Preference and Control of the Diet616
Sense of Smell616
Olfactory Membrane616
Stimulation of the Olfactory Cells617
Transmission of Smell Signals into the Central Nervous System618
Organization of the Spinal Cord for Motor Functions622
CHAPTER 54 Motor Functions of the Spinal Cord; The Cord Reflexes622
UNIT Ⅺ The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology622
Muscle Sensory Receptors—Muscle Spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs—and Their Roles in Muscle Control624
Receptor Function of the Muscle Spindle624
Muscle Stretch Reflex625
Role of the Muscle Spindle in Voluntary Motor Activity626
Clinical Applications of the Stretch Reflex627
Golgi Tendon Reflex628
Function of the Muscle Spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs in Conjunction with Motor Control from Higher Levels of the Brain628
Flexor Reflex and the Withdrawal Reflexes629
Reflexes of Posture and Locomotion630
Postural and Locomotive Reflexes of the Cord630
Reciprocal Inhibition and Reciprocal Innervation630
Crossed Extensor Reflex630
Scratch Reflex631
Spinal Cord Reflexes That Cause Muscle Spasm632
Autonomic Reflexes in the Spinal Cord632
Spinal Cord Transection and Spinal Shock632
CHAPTER 55 Cortical and Brain Stem Control of Motor Function634
The Motor Cortex and Corticospinal Tract634
Primary Motor Cortex634
Premotor Area634
Some Specialized Areas of Motor Control Found in the Human Motor Cortex635
Supplementary Motor Area635
Transmission of Signals from the Motor Cortex to the Muscles636
Incoming Fiber Pathways to the Motor Cortex637
The Red Nucleus Serves as an Alternative Pathway for Transmitting Cortical Signals to the Spinal Cord637
Extrapyramidal System638
Excitation of the Spinal Cord Motor Control Areas by the Primary Motor Cortex and the Red Nucleus638
Role of the Brain Stem in Controlling Motor Function640
Support of the Body Against Gravity—Roles of the Reticular and Vestibular Nuclei640
Vestibular Sensations and the Maintenance of Equilibrium641
Vestibular Apparatus641
Function of the Utricle and Saccule in the Maintenance of Static Equilibrium643
Detection of Head Rotation by the Semicircular Ducts644
Vestibular Mechanisms for Stabilizing the Eyes645
Other Factors Concerned with Equilibrium645
Functions of Brain Stem Nuclei in Controlling Subconscious, Stereotyped Movements646
CHAPTER 56 The Cerebellum, the Basal Ganglia, and Overall Motor Control647
The Cerebellum and Its Motor Functions647
Anatomical Functional Areas of the Cerebellum647
Neuronal Circuit of the Cerebellum648
Function of the Cerebellum in Overall Motor Control652
Clinical Abnormalities of the Cerebellum655
The Basal Ganglia—Their Motor Functions656
Function of the Basal Ganglia in Executing Patterns of Motor Activity—The Putamen Circuit657
Role of the Basal Ganglia for Cognitive Control of Sequences of Motor Patterns—The Caudate Circuit657
Function of the Basal Ganglia to Change the Timing and to Scale the Intensity of Movements658
Functions of Specific Neurotransmitter Substances in the Basal Ganglial System659
Clinical Syndromes Resulting from Damage to the Basal Ganglia659
Integration of the Many Parts of the Total Motor Control System660
Spinal Level660
Hindbrain Level660
Motor Cortex Level660
What Drives Us to Action?661
CHAPTER 57 The Cerebral Cortex; Intellectual Functions of the Brain; and Learning and Memory663
Physiologic Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex663
Functions of Specific Cortical Areas663
Association Areas665
Comprehensive Interpretative Function Of the Posterior Superior Temporal Lobe— Wernicke s Area (a General Interpretative Area)666
Functions of the Parieto-occipitotemporal Cortex in the Nondominant Hemisphere668
Higher Intellectual Functions of the Prefrontal Association Area668
Function of the Brain in Communication—Language Input and Language Output669
Function of the Corpus Callosum and Anterior Commissure to Transfer Thoughts, Memories. Training, and Other Information Between the Two Cerebral Hemispheres671
Thoughts, Consciousness, and Memory671
Memory—Roles of Synaptic Facilitation and Synaptic Inhibition672
Short-Term Memory673
Intermediate Long-Term Memory673
Long-Term Memory674
Consolidation of Memory675
Control of Cerebral Activity by Continuous Excitatory Signals from the Brain Stem678
Activating-Driving Systems of the Brain678
CHAPTER 58 Behavioral and Motivational Mechanisms of the Brain—The Limbic System and the Hypothalamus678
Neurohormonal Control of Brain Activity679
The Limbic System681
Functional Anatomy of the Limbic System: the Key Position of the Hypothalamus681
The Hypothalamus, a Major Control Headquarters for the Limbic System682
Vegetative and Endocrine Control Functions of the Hypothalamus682
Behavioral Functions of the Hypothalamus and Associated Limbic Structures684
Reward and Punishment Function of the Limbic System684
Importance of Reward and
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