Proceedings of The Fifth Conference on Carbon Volume 1【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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- 出版社: Pergamon Press Inc.
- 出版时间:1962
- 标注页数:639页
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Part Ⅰ Electronic Properties1
Electronic Properties of Graphite and its Crystal Compounds in the Direction of the c-Axis&A.R.Ubbelohde1
Further Considerations of the π Electron Properties of Graphite&T.E.Peacock8
The Effect of Boron on the Electronic Properties of Graphite&D.E.Soule13
Theory of the g-Factor of the Current Carriers in Graphite Single Crystals&J.W.McClure and Y.Yafet22
Etude de l'Effet Hall et de la Magnetoresistance de Carbones Pregraphitiques Pulverulents—Techniques et Resultats&J.Cherville,P.Bothorel et A.Pacault29
Formation of Spin Centers in Carbons by Oxidation and their Thermal Anneal&K.Antonowicz46
Formation by Chemical Attack and Nature of Spin Centers in Carbon&K.Antonowicz56
Part Ⅱ Surface Properties,Adsorption and Reactivity63
The Catalytic Properties of Amorphous Carbons&D.E.Weiss65
Surface Properties of Extremely Thin Graphite Lamellae&H.P.Boehm,A.Clauss,G.Fischer and U.Hofmann73
Thermal Treatment and Microporous Structure of Carbonaceous Adsorbents&M.M.Dubinin81
On the Size Distribution of Pores in Charcoal and in other Porous Substances&G.Biorci and D.Pescetti88
Adsorption of Surface Active Agents from Non-Aqueous Solutions by Carbon Blacks&J.C.Abram and G.D.Parfitt97
Interpretation of Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms of Oxidized Carbon Blacks&G.R.Crocker,R.O.Lussow and L.L.Lyon103
Adsorption of Vapors on High Energy Sites of Carbon Blacks&A.Voet,Wm,N.Whitten Jr.and F.G.Boyd110
Adsorption and Desorption of Water Films on Graphite Surfaces&G.L.Montet116
The Adsorption of Iodine by Graphite&P.Connor,J.B.Lewis and W.J.Thomas120
The Formation of Methane from Hydrogen and Carbon at High Temperatures and Pressures&K.Hedden125
Intercalation of Cobalt(Ⅱ)Chloride in Graphite&J.J.Pitts and L.L.Lyon132
Catalyzed Lamellar Reactions of Graphite&M.L.Dzurus and G.R.Hennig139
Surface Oxides on Graphite Single Crystals&G.R.Hennig143
The Kinetics of the Diamond-Oxygen Reaction&T.Evans and C.Phaal147
Oxidation of Carbon between 1000-2000℃&J.Nagle and R.F.Strickland-Constable154
Surface Oxidation of Charcoal at Ordinary Temperatures&B.R.Puri165
Etude de l'Oxydation des Carbones par l'Air et l'Anhydride Carboniqueen Fonction de leur Texture et de leur Etat de Purete&F.M.Lang,P.Magnier et S.May171
The Degassing Behavior of Commercial Graphites&L.G.Overholser and J.P.Blakely194
The Effect of Gasification by Carbon Dioxide on the Pore Structure of Graphite&J.Butcher and D.M.Grove205
The Effect of Air Flow Rate on the C-O2 and CO-O2 Reactions&D.G.Schweitzer,G.C.Hrabak and R.M.Singer215
Thermal Changes with Time and Distance in Air-Cooled Graphite Channels&D.G.Schweitzer and D.H.Gurinsky223
The Chemical Reactivity of BNL Graphite and its Effect on the Length of Channel Cooled by Air&D.G.Schweitzer and R.M.Singer228
Combined Effects of Temperature,Flow Rate,Diameter and Chemical Reactivity on the Length of Channel Cooled by Air&D.G.Schweitzer235
Thermal Properties of Air-Cooled Graphite Channels&D.G.Schweitzer241
Part Ⅲ Irradiation,Nuclear Graphite and Diffusion247
Mechanism of Radiation Damage to Graphite at High Temperatures&D.R.de Halas and H.H.Yoshikawa249
The Effect of High Flux Neutron Irradiation on the Physical Properties of Graphite&W.N.Reynolds and J.H.W.Simmons255
The Irradiation Induced Plasticity of Graphite&H.H.W.Losty,N.C.Fielder,I.P.Bell and G.M.Jenkins266
Proprietes Mecaniques du Graphite Irradie:Modification de la Durete par Irradiation et Recuit&J.Rappeneau et G.Jouquet274
Effect of Temperature on Radiation-Induced Contraction of Reactor Graphite&J.M.Davidson and J.W.Helm284
Stored Energy and Dimensional Changes in Reactor Graphite&H.Bridge,B.T.Kelly and B.S.Gray289
Energie Emmagasinée par le Graphite Irradié:Evolution de l'énergie en Fonction de Re-cuits Successifs&J.Rappeneau et M.Quetier317
Post-Irradiation Measurements of Thermal Conductivity between 200 and 600℃ for Low Permeability Graphites&R.A.Meyer and D.Schweitzer328
Perméabilité aux Gaz des Graphites Nucléaires—Etude de la Structure Poreuse par Porosi-metrie au Mercure&J.Rappeneau,M.Bocquet,A.Fillatre et J.C.Trutt335
Large Graphite Columns in the Core of the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor(EGCR)&J.V.Neely354
The Migration of Fission Products in Artificial Graphite&J.Bromley and N.R.Large365
Properties of Fueled Graphite&R.A.Reuter and D.D.Johnson377
Thorium Oxide Infiltration of Graphite Spheres&F.Rusinko,Jr.and W.E.Parker384
Part Ⅳ Carbonization,Graphitization and Structure393
An Electron Miscroscope Study of Carbon Formation in the Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons&G.L.Johnson and R.C.Anderson395
Carbon Films from Carbon Suboxide Decomposition.Formation Kinetics&T.J.Hirt and H.B.Palmer406
Some Reactions of Aromatic Systems in Chars&J.D.Brooks and T.McL.Spotswood416
Functional Groups and X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Chemically Modified Brown-Coal Chars&J.D.Brooks,J.F.Stephens and H.Silberman422
X-ray Studies on the Coal Maceral Vitrinite and its Extraction Products&W.O.Ruland429
X-ray Stereo-Microradiography of Carbons&J.B.Nelson438
Technique for Miscroscopic Studies of Graphite&R.L.Hales and E.M.Woodruff456
Direct Observation of Imperfections in Graphite Single Crystals&R.Bacon and R.Sprague466
X-ray Study of the Effects of Heat Treatment on Pyrolytic Graphites&O.J.Guentert and S.Cvikevich473
Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Structure of Carbon Blacks&A.E.Austin and E.Adelson485
The Determination of the Interlayer Spacings in Carbons at High Temperature&K.T.Yang492
Effect of Rapid Heat Treatment on the Properties of Carbon&J.Okada,A.Sekiguchi and T.Ishii497
Effect of Residence Time on Graphitization at Several Temperatures&F.V.Fair and F.M.Collins503
Carbonisation et Aptitude a la Graphitation&G.Moutaud,J.Millet et J.Parisot509
Part Ⅴ Mechanical and Thermal Properties,Friction and Wear,Carbon Technology517
The Strength of Graphite&H.H.W.Losty and J.S.Orchard519
Determination of the Thermal Diffusivity for Polycrystalline Graphites at High Tem-perature&N.H.Juul533
Observations of Sparking at a Sliding Carbon-Copper Interface&W.J.Spry and P.M.Scherer547
The Effect of Carbon Structure on Copper Oxidation at a Sliding Electrical Contact&P.M.Scherer and W.J.Spry553
Analytical Determination of Carbon Varieties in Electrographitized Carbon Products by X-ray Diffraction Method&T.Noda and M.Inagaki559
Recent Developments in Graphite Impregnation.&L.W.Graham,D.R.Perels and W.J.Greenwood567
The Deposition of Pyrolytic Carbon in the Pores of Bonded and Unbonded Carbon Powders&R.L.Bickerdike,A.R.G.Brown,G.Hughes and H.Ranson575
Low Density Carbon and Graphite Shapes&G.Stecker,K.H.Sia and R.D.Tait583
Unique Properties of Flexible Carbon Fibers&G.E.Cranch589
Properties of High Density,Recrystallized Graphite&R.M.Bushong and E.A.Neel595
Preparation de Graphite de Haute Densité&P.Bergognon,P.Cornuault,J.Bentolila et M.S.T.Price600
Compaction of Artificial Graphite&J.R.May611
Author Index625
Subject Index632
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