
- 薛继汉,顾德隆,信毓昌,薛征宇编著 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连海事大学出版社
- ISBN:7563217398
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:401页
- 文件大小:121MB
- 文件页数:411页
- 主题词:电路理论-高等学校-教材-英文
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Chapter 1 Basic Circuit Laws and Simple Resistive Circuits1
1.1 Introduction1
1.2 Ohm's Law7
1.3 Kirchhoff's Laws9
1.4 Resistance and Source Combination11
1.5 Network Reduction by △-Y Transformation15
1.6 Source Transformation17
1.7 Voltage and Current Division21
Chapter 2 General Analysis of Resistive Circuit29
2.1 Nodal Analysis29
2.2 Mesh Analysis34
2.3 Nodal and Mesh Analyses by Inspection39
2.4 Linearity and Superposition41
2.5 Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems46
2.6 Maximum Power Transfer in the DC Case53
Chapter 3 OP Amp-Resistor Circuit60
3.1 Op Amp60
3.2 Inverting Amplifier62
3.3 Noninverting Amplifier63
3.4 Summing Amplifier65
3.5 Difference Amplifier66
3.6 Cascaded Op Amp Circuit67
Chapter 4 Capacitors and Inductors72
4.1 Capacitor72
4.2 Series and Parallel Capacitors75
4.3 Inductor76
4.4 Series and Parallel Inductors79
4.5 Simple Op Amp Circuits with Capacitors80
Chapter 5 First-Order Circuit86
5.1 Initial Condition and Switching Rule87
5.2 Source-Free RC Circuit89
5.3 Source-Free RL Circuit92
5.4 Unit-Step Forcing Function94
5.5 Step Response of an RC Circuit97
5.6 Step Response of an RL Circuit102
Chapter 6 Second-Order Circuits113
6.1 Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuit113
6.2 Source-Free Series RLC Circuit123
6.3 Complete Response of the RLC Circuit126
Chapter 7 Sinusoids and Phasors132
7.1 Characteristics of Sinusoids132
7.2 Forced Response to Sinusoidal Forcing Functions134
7.3 Effective Values of Current and Voltage137
7.4 Phasor138
7.5 Phasor Relationships for R,L and C142
7.6 Impedance146
7.7 Admittance149
Chapter 8 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis155
8.1 Nodal and Mesh Analysis155
8.2 Superposition and Thévenin's Theorem157
8.3 Phasor Diagrams159
8.4 Instantaneous Power162
8.5 Average Power163
8.6 Apparent Power and Power Factor166
8.7 Complex Power168
8.8 Maximum Power Transfer in the AC Case172
Chapter 9 Resonant Circuit180
9.1 Parallel Resonance180
9.2 Series Resonance186
9.3 Other Resonant Forms188
Chapter 10 Magnetically Coupled Circuit196
10.1 Mutual Inductance196
10.2 Linear Transformer202
10.3 Ideal Transformer205
Chapter 11 Three-Phase Circuits216
11.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages216
11.2 Three-Phase Y-Y Connection218
11.3 Balanced Y-△ Connection223
11.4 Power Calculation and Measurement in Three-Phase System225
Chapter 12 Two-Port Networks235
12.1 Admittance Parameters235
12.2 Some Equivalent Networks239
12.3 Impedance Parameters243
12.4 Hybrid Parameters247
12.5 Transmission Parameters249
12.6 Interconnection of Two-Ports251
12.7 Gyrator254
12.8 NIC(Negative-Impedance Converter)255
Chapter 13 Technique of Harmonic Analysis for Nonsinusoidal Periodic Current Circuit261
13.1 Fourier Series261
13.2 Effective Values and Average Power264
13.3 Technique of Harmonic Analysis266
Chapter 14 Laplace Transform Techniques271
14.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform271
14.2 Unit-Impulse Function272
14.3 Convolution and Circuit Response in the Time Domain275
14.4 Laplace Transforms of Some Simple Time Functions277
14.5 Several Basic Theorems for the Laplace Transform277
14.6 Partial-Fraction-Expansion Method280
14.7 Complete Response282
14.8 Transfer Function(or Network Function)H(s)285
14.9 Complex-Frequency Plane286
Chapter 15 Network Graph Theory296
15.1 Notations and Definitions296
15.2 Incidence Matrix and KCL299
15.3 Loop Matrix and KVL305
15.4 Interrelationship between Matrices of a Graph308
15.5 Tellegen's Theorem310
Chapter 16 Matrix Equations for Network315
16.1 Direct Analysis Methods315
16.2 Nodal Analysis319
16.3 State Variables and Normal-Form Equations323
16.4 Writing a Set of Normal-Form Equations325
Chapter 17 Simple Nonlinear Circuits331
17.1 Nonlinear E1ements331
17.2 Simple Nonlinear Resistor Circuits333
17.3 Small Signal Analysis335
17.4 Combination of i-v Characteristics336
17.5 Newton-Raphson Algorithm338
17.6 State-Space Analysis:the Phase Plane339
17.7 Characteristics of the Phase Portrait341
Chapter 18 Switched-Capacitor Circuits347
18.1 MOS Switch347
18.2 Analog Operations351
Chapter 19 Distributed Circuits355
19.1 Introduction355
19.2 Steady State AC Operation of a Uniform Transmission Line358
19.3 Uniform Transmission Lines without Losses361
19.4 Transmission Lines with Losses-Two Special Case363
19.5 Distributed Circuits of Finite Length364
19.6 Lossless Transmission Line of Finite Length368
Chapter 20 Brief Introduction to PSpice373
20.1 Introduction373
20.2 Method of DC Circuit Analysis374
20.3 Method of Transient Analysis377
20.4 Method of Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis379
Appendix 1 Answers to Selected Problems385
Appendix 2 Vocabulary393
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