
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND POLICY VOLUME 10【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

  • ISBN:1841138274
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:1097页
  • 文件大小:66MB
  • 文件页数:1116页
  • 主题词:


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SESSION Ⅰ: PLENARY SESSION The Next Ten Years in Intellectual Property Law: What Should Happen? What Will Happen?1

Part A." The Next Ten Years in WIPO and WTO1


Michael S. Keplinger, The Next Ten Years in WIPO3

Hannu Wager, The Next Ten years in WTO5

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Mihaly Ficsor, Bruce A. Lehman, James Love, Eric H. Smith, Fred von Lohmann9

Part B: The Next Ten Years in Trademarks17

Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie18

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie, Prof. Jane Ginsburg, Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie, Prof. Marshall Leaffer, David Llewelyn, Paul Maier, Erik Nooteboom20

Part C: The Next Ten Years in Copyright29

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Prof. Jane Ginsburg, Prof. P. Bernt Hugenholtz, Fred von Lohmann, Tilman Lueder, Prof. John G. Palfrey Jr., Shira Perlmutter, Marybeth Peters, Thomas C. Rubin30

Part D: The Next Ten Years in Patents37

Lord Hoffmann38

Panel DiscussionProf. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Lord Hoffmann, Charles Eloshway, Hon. Roger Hughes, Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Jacob, Ron Marchant, Hon. Pauline Newman, Erik Nooteboom, Prof. Tetsuya Obuchi, Hon. Randall Rader40

Part E: The Next Ten Years of IP Law in the U.S. Supreme Court49

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Dimitrios Drivas, Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie, Lord Hoffmann, Prof. Jay Thomas, Hon. Pauline Newman, Harold C. Wegner, Prof. Timothy Wu49

Part F: The Next Ten Years of IP Law in the European Court of Justice59

William Robinson, Overview of ECJ Cases60

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie, Lord Hoffmann, Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie, Hon. Klaus Grabinski, Prof. Alain Strowel, Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Jacob61

SESSION Ⅱ: COPYRIGHT Unauthorized Use of Works on the Web: What Can Be Done? What Should Be Done?67

Part A: Legality of Unauthorized Use67

Prof. John G. Palfrey Jr.68

Donald B. Verrilli Jr.71

Alexander Macgillivray73

Panel Discussion&Morton David Goldberg, Moderator Sandra Astairs, Michael A. Einhorn, Prof. Brian Fitzgerald, Thomas C. Rubin76

Part B: Non-Copyright Legal Solutions85

Sandra Astairs86

Michael Schlesinger88

Panel Discussion: &Morton David Goldberg, Moderator Michael A. Einhorn, Prof. Brian Fitzgerald, Alexander Macgillivray, John G. Palfrey Jr., Thomas C. Rubin, Donald B. Verrilli Jr.90

Part C: Copyright Issues in Online Music97

Zoltan Bacsi99

Panel Discussion&Prof. Silke Von Lewinski, Moderator Zoltan Bacsi, Tilman Lueder101

Jacqueline Charlesworth105

Elliot Peters108

Howard P. Knopf, Online Music 2007110

Panel Discussion&Eric J. Schwartz, Moderator David O. Carson, David Jones, Elliot Peters131


Part A: Non-Obviousness and Inventive Step: A Comparative View139

John Richards140

Panel Discussion&Norman Zivin, Moderator Hon. Klaus Grabinski, Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Jacob, Eiji Katayama, Steven J. Lee, Hon. Randall R. Rader Herbert E Schwartz143

Part B: Extraterritoriality and Related Principles: To What Extent Have and Should National Courts Apply their Domestic Patent Laws and Policies to Activities in Other Countries?151

Prof. John R. Thomas, Voda v. Cordis152

Hon. Roger Hughes, Jurisdiction of the State: Respecting the Incorporeal163

Dr. Johann Pitz, Extraterritoriality of German Patents176

Nicholas Groombridge179

Panel Discussion&John Richards, Moderator Hon. Klaus Grabinski, Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Jacob, David Perkins181

Part C: Patentable Subject Matter: The Road Ahead for Software and Business Method Patents189

Bart Eppenauer190

David J. Kappos193

Ron Marchant195

Panel Discussion&Prof. Martin J. Adelman, Moderator Dr. Anne Fitzgerald, Prof. John R. Thomas198

Robert Hart, Patentable Subject Matter: The Road Ahead for Software and Business Method Inventions in Europe and the U.K.206


Part A: Standard Setting and Competition Issues215

Nicholas Banasevic216

John Temple Lang, Licensing, Antitrust and Innovation Under European Competition Law219

Roy Hoffinger224


Geoff Oliver, The Rambus Case235

Panel Discussion&Andreas P. Reindl, Moderator Victoria A. Espinel, David J. Kappos, Rondal Moore237

Michael Einhorn, Competition Policy and the European Commission: CDMA Standards and Qualcomm240

Part B: Refusals to License247

Daryl Lim, Beyond Microsoft: Rethinking the Future of Refusals to License248

Panel Discussion: &Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Heinz Goddar, Prof. Valentine Korah, Susan Manning, John Temple Lang271

John Temple Lang, European Competition Law and Refusals to Licence Intellectual Property Rights282

Part C: Intellectual Property and Competition Policy on Parallel Trade297

Thomas Heide, Overview of Parallel Trade297

Christopher Stothers299

James B. Kobak Jr. & Ramsey Chamie, An Update On the Law, Politics and the Re-Importation of Pharmaceuticals in the United States304

Panel Discussion&Thomas Heide, Moderator Thomas Cheng, Prof. Valentine Korah, Susan Manning, John Temple Lang312


Part A: Japanese IP Developments321

Tsuyoshi Isozumi, Mutual Utilization & Enhanced Work Sharing: Patent Prosecution Highway and New-Route Proposal322

Hon. Koichi Tanaka, Speedy and High-Quality Disposition IP High Court324

Eiji Katayama, Japanese Patent Recent Developments: View from Industry and Attorney327

Prof. Tetsuya Obuchi, Japanese Patent and Copyright Law Developments329

Panel Discussion&John Richards, Moderator Souichiro Kozuka, Harold C. Wegner333

Part B: EU Legislative and Related Developments337

Harrie Temmink338

Hon. Klaus Grabinski343

Panel Discussion&David Perkins, Moderator Erik Nooteboom, Prof. Alain Strowel346

Part C: Courthouse Relationships: The Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court, The Court of Appeal and the House of Lords, Member State Courts and the Court of Justice353

Prof Martin J. Adelman, Introduction353

Lord Hoffmann355

Prof. John Duffy357

Panel Discussion&Prof. Martin J. Adelman, Moderator Hon. Klaus Grabinski, Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie, Hon. Pauline Newman, Hon. Randall R. Rader, Harold C. Wegner360


Prof. Martin J. Adelman, Introduction369

Prof. F. Willem Grosheide, The Human Rights Paradox370

Orit Fischman Afori, Copyright and Human Rights: External Balance for Internal Benefit372

Prof. Geertrui Von Overwalle, Human Rights' Limitations in Patent Law375

Prof. Laurence R. Helfer, Human Rights and Intellectual Property379

Hannu Wager382

Panel Discussion&Prof. Martin J. Adelman, Moderator Hannu Wager, Prof. Peter K. Yu384

Orit Fischman Afori, Human Rights and Copyright: The Introduction of Natural Law Considerations into American Copyright Law390

Laurence R. Helfer, The New Innovation Frontier? Intellectual Property and the European Court of Human Rights430


Part A: Trademark Law Developments in the European Union473

William Robinson, Trademark Developments474

Gall E. Evans, Recent Developments in the Protection of Trade Names in the European Union478

Prof. Spyros Maniatis, Opel: What Will it Mean for the Future?502

Panel Discussion&Claus Kohler, Moderator Prof. Annette Kur, Prof. Sit Hugh Laddie, David Llewelyn, Paul Maier511

Appendix: William Robinson et al., Tables: Community Trade Mark Jurisprudence of the European Community Courts, 1 January 2006 to 31 March 2007521

Part B: Third-Party Uses of Trademarks: Search Engines and Key Words541

John Richardson, Introduction541

Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie542

Dr. Peter Ruess546

Panel Discussion&John Richardson, Moderator Jeffrey Butler, Prof. Susy Frankel, Paul W. Garrity, Prof. Marshall Leaffer, Ilanah Simon549

Part C: Dilution: A Review of Recent Developments559

Prof. Coenraad Visser, Introduction559

Prof. Barton Beebe, Trademark Dilution Revision Act560

Kenneth A. Plevan563

Ilanah Simon566

David Llewelyn570

Panel Discussion&Prof. Coenraad Visser, Moderator Prof. Veronica Barresi, Andrew Bridges, Susan Progoff571

Part D: Functionality and Protection of Product Configuration Marks577

Paul Maier577

Jonathan Moskin585

Panel Discussion&Paul W. Garrity, Moderator Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie, Prof. Kenneth L. Port, Susan Progoff, Prof. Susan Scafidi587


Part A: Canada, Australia and New Zealand591

Prof. Brian Fitzgerald, Introduction591

Prof. Robert Burrell592

Howard P. Knopf, Recent Copyright Activity and Inactivity in Canada595

Prof. Susy Frankel612

Panel Discussion&Prof. Brian Fitzgerald, Moderator Prof. Christoph Antons, Prof. Anne Fitzgerald, Prof. Daniel J. Gervais, Hon. Roger Hughes613

Part B: The Recasting of Copyright and Related Rights in the European Union—What Should the EU Do? What Will the EU Do?621

Prof. P. Bernt Hugenholtz, IViR Report621

Barbara Norcross-Amilhat627

Panel Discussion&Prof. Lionel Bently, Moderator Mihaly Ficsor, Thomas Heide, Andreas P. Reindl, Prof. Silke von Lewinski631

Part C: WIPO Broadcasting Treaty and the Politics of Intellectual Property637

Michael S. Keplinger638

James Love640

Julie Samnadda642

Panel Discussion&David O. Carson, Moderator Ann Chaitovitz, Shira Perlmutter, Tom Rivers644

Part D: Exclusive Rights v. Global Remuneration651

Ted Shapiro652

Panel Discussion&Mihaly Ficsor, Moderator Prof. Daniel J. Gervais, Fred von Lohmann, Shira Perlmutter659

Part E: Developments in the Copyright Office and Congress663

Marybeth Peters664

David O. Carson667


Part A: A View From the Trenches673

Charles Fish, Introduction673

Brian W. Nolan, The Real-World Effect of eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.675

Basil Imburgia683

Hon. Jed S. Rakoff685

Panel Discussion&Charles Fish, Moderator Hon. Klaus Grabinski, Brian Murphy, Hon. Koichi Tanaka, Tony Yeo688

Part B: Medlmmune: What Is a Case or Controversy Without Reasonable Apprehension? Implications for Licensors, Licensees and the Rest of Us697

John R. Lane, Introduction697

Steven J. Lee, MedImmune: What is a Case or Controversy Without Reasonable Apprehension? Implications for Licensors, Licensees and the Rest of Us699

Harold C. Wegner & Lynn E. Eccleeston, MedImmune: The Federal Circuit Fills in the Blanks709

Panel Discussion&John R. Lane, Moderator Charles Fish, Herbert F. Schwartz726

Part C: Patent Law Reform731

John R. Lane731

Bruce A. Lehman734

Panel Discussion&John R. Lane, Moderator Charles Fish, Steven J. Lee, Herbert F. Schwartz, John A. Squires737

Bruce A. Lehman, Bracing for the Impact of Patent Reform: Prospects for Legislation in the 110th Congress748


Part A: Intellectual Property Law and Design759

Jack B. Hicks760

Alain Coblence, The Design Piracy Prohibition Act773

Harrie Temmink777

Paul Maier, Design Law: An Update on Decisions in the OHIM780

Panel Discussion&Prof. Susan Scafidi, Moderator Prof. Kenneth L. Port, Mark Traphagen794

Part B: The Three-Step Test: Is It Out of Step?799

Hoachen Sun, Overcoming the Achilles' Heel of Copyright Law: The Case for the Creative Destruction of the Three-Step Test800

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Prof. Jane Ginsburg, Prof. P. Bernt Hugenholtz, Prof. Annette Kur, Ted Shapiro, Prof. Coenraad Visser, Prof. Mary W.S. Wong856

Part C: Copyright Law in the 21st Century: Some Empirical and Theoretical Considerations Concerning Fair Use, Tolerated Use, Indeterminate Protection, and Compulsory Licensing863

Prof. Barton Beebe Empirical Study of U.S. Copyright Fair Use Opinions 1978-2005864

Discussion of Beebe Presentation868

Prof. Tim Wu, Tolerated Use871

Discussion of Wu Presentation873

Michael Einhorn, Alternatives to Fair Use875

Discussion of Einhorn Presentation878

Michael S. Shapiro, Copyright's Winter of Discontent? Some Thoughts on the International Public Policy Process880

Discussion of Shapiro Presentation887

Prof. Souoichirou Kozuka, Copyright Law and the Digital Agenda in Japan: Some Thoughts About Change889

Discussion of Kozuka Presentation894

Panel Discussion&Prof. Hugh C. Hansen, Moderator Prof. Lionel Bently, Prof. Jane Ginsburg, Stanley Pierre-Louis894

Michael E. Einhorn, Alternatives to Fair Use: Can Kozinski Replace Posner?899


From Communication to Thing: When Were Trademarks First Conceptualized and Treated as Property. Does it Matter?915

Prof. Lionel Bently, From Communication to Thing: Historical Aspects of the Conceptualisation of Trade Marks as Property916

Panel Discussion&Prof. Marshall Leafier, Moderator Andrew P. Bridges, Prof. Justin Hughes941


Part A: Thailand and Compulsory Licenses947

Prof. Susy Frankel, Introduction947

James Love949

Jeffrey P. Kushan951

Richard Kjeldgaard953

Panel Discussion&Prof. Susy Frankel, Moderator Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie955

Part B: Trade Policy in Intellectual Property: Policy, Priorities, and Emerging Issues963

Victoria A. Espinel963

Questions & Answers968

Part C: India, IP Developments and TRIPs971

Prof. Shamnad Basheer972

Victoria A. Espinel976

Panel Discussion&Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie, Moderator James Love, Mustafa Safiyuddin, Eric H. Smith, Howard Zucker978

Part D: TRIPs and China: Should a Case be Brought?—Will it be Brought?983

Justin Hughes, Introduction983

Victoria A. Espinel984

Eric H. Smith, The Case for TRIPs Violations988

Prof. Peter Yu, Intellectual Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle990

Panel Discussion&Prof. Justin Hughes, Moderator Mark Traphagen, Prof. Sir Hugh Laddie, Prof. Qian Wang1024

Appendix: The Next Ten Years in EU Copyright: Making Markets Work&Dr. Tilman Lueder1031

