
- 著
- ISBN:0406623767
- 出版时间:1978
- 标注页数:277页
- 文件大小:15MB
- 文件页数:293页
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1Primary Sources and General Works1
1 Treaties and Agreements1
1.1 Treaty Collections1
1.2 Collections on Particular Subjects, including Trauaux Preparatoires2
1.3 Bibliographies of Treaty Collections and Indices2
1.4 Commentaries on the Treaty Practice of Particular States3
2 State Practi4
2.1 Digests4
2.2 Collections of Documents4
2.3 Indices and Bibliographies5
2.4 Commentaries on the Practice of Particular States5
3 Judicial Decisions6
3.1 General Collections of Reports and Digests of National and International Courts, including Casebooks6
3.2 Reports and Digests of Specific International Courts and Organisations8
3.3 Indices, Bibliographies and Documentary Materials8
4 International Organisations and Conferences9
4.1 Collections of Documents9
4.2 Periodicals10
4.3 Indices, Guides, Handbooks and Bibliographies11
4.4 Treatises and Essays12
5 General Works14
5.1 Indices and Bibliographies14
5.2 Treatises15
5.3 Essays17
2 The Nature snd Sources of International Law19
1 The History of International Law19
2 The Sources and Evidences of International Law21
2.1 Custom21
2.2 Treaties23
2.3 General Principles23
2.4 International Organisations24
2.5 Publicists25
2.6 Codification26
3 National Perspectives28
3.1 African and Asian States28
3.2 The Souiet Union30
4 The Function and Relevance of International Law31
4.1 Theoretical Approaches31
4.2 Practical Applications33
4.3 Future Worlds35
5 International Law Teaching35
3 International Law and Municipal Law37
1 The Role of the Municipal Court37
2 Treaties and International Agreements39
3 The Act of State Doctrine and Public Policy40
4 Constitutional Aspects of Foreign Policy43
4 Statehood45
1 Independent States45
1.1 Rhodesia46
1.2 Formosa46
1.3 Germany and Berlin47
2 Self-Determination48
3 Dependent States50
3.1 South West Africa/Namibia52
3.2 Micronesia55
4 State Succession55
4.1 General Principles55
4.2 Treaties56
5 Recognition and International Personality59
1 Recognition59
1.1 International Aspects59
1.2 Municipal Aspects60
2 International Personality60
2.1 Indiuiduals and Groups60
2.2 International Organisations61
2.3 Multinational Enterprises63
6 Territory66
1 Acquisition of Title to Territory66
2 Boundary Delimitation66
3 Territorial Disputes68
3.1 India and Pakistan69
3.2 India and China69
4 Landlocked States70
5 Rivers and Lakes71
5.1 Nauigation71
5.2 Water Resources72
5.3 Pollution74
6 Polar Regions75
7 Jurisdictioa77
1 Anti-Trust Laws78
2 Jurisdictional Immunities80
2.1 Diplomatic and Consular Immunities80
2.2 Souereign Immunities81
2.3 International Immunities84
3 Special Cases85
3.1 Visiting Forces85
3.2 Terrorists85
3.3 Hijackers87
8 The Law of the Sea91
1 Introductory91
1.1 General Works91
1.2 The Third United Nations Conference (UNCLOS)92
1.3 National Perspectiues94
2 Jurisdiction of the Coastal State96
2.1 Territorial Waters96
2.2 Bays98
2.3 The Contiguous Zone98
2.4 Fishing Zones98
2.5 The Exclusiue Economic Zone100
3 Special Regimes101
3.1 Straits101
3.2 Canals102
3.3 Archipelagos103
3.4 Arctic Waters104
4 The High Seas105
4.1 Jurisdiction105
4.2 Hot Pursuit106
4.3 Conseruation107
4.4 Pollution108
4.5 Research and Transfer of Technology111
4.6 Militarisation112
4.7 Miscellaneous112
5 The Continental Shelf113
5.1 Status and Resources113
5.2 Federal/State Disputes114
5.3 Principles of Delimitation114
5.4 Delimitation Disputes116
5.5 The Asian Seabed Controuersy117
5.6 Enuironmental Issues118
6 The Deep Seabed118
6.1 Status and Resources118
6.2 Militarisation121
9 Air and Space Law123
1 Air Law123
1.1 Jurisdiction123
1.2 Liability124
1.3 Miscellaneous125
2 Space Law125
2.1 Jurisdiction127
2.2 Exploitation128
2.3 Co-operation129
2.4 Militarisation129
2.5 Contamination130
2.6 Liability130
3 Telecommunications Law131
10 Nationality and Personal Jurisdiction134
1 Nationality134
1.1 Indiuiduals134
1.2 Companies135
1.3 Ships and Aircraft135
2 Personal Jurisdiction136
2.1 Extradition and Deportation136
2.2 Irregular Rendition137
2.3 Asylum138
3 Expulsion and Expatriation139
4 Refugee Law140
11 Human Rights142
1 The United Nations System144
2 The European Convention146
2.1 Procedural Aspects147
2.2 Substantiue Aspects147
2.3 Status and Influence149
3 The OAS System150
4 Particular Rights150
4.1 Freedom of Mouement152
4.2 Conditions of Employment153
4.3 Rights of Women153
4.4 Non-discrimination154
12 The Law of Treaties156
1 Parties157
1.1 Unilateral Acts157
2 Formalities158
3 Reservations159
4 Interpretation159
5 Amendment161
6 Validity161
6.1 Ius Cogens162
6.2 Duress162
7 Termination163
7.1 Breach163
7.2 Fundamental Change of Circumstances163
7.3 Dispute Settlement164
13 International Claims165
1 State Responsibility165
1.1 Enuironmental Injury165
1.2 Nuclear Liability166
2 Diplomatic Protection167
2.1 Nationality of Claims167
2.2 Exhaustion of Local Remedies169
2.3 Rights of Aliens170
3 Foreign Investment171
3.1 State Regulation171
3.2 Nationalisation and Expropriation172
3.3 Inuestment Protection175
3.4 Dispute Settlement177
4 State Contracts180
14 The Settlement of International Disputes182
1 Legal and Political Disputes182
2 Mediation, Conciliation and Negotiation184
3 Arbitration185
4 The World Court186
4.1 Organisation and Procedure186
4.2 Membership187
4.3 Incidental Jurisdiction188
4.4 Contentious Jurisdiction189
4.5 Aduisory Jurisdiction191
4.6 Implementation and Enforcement of Decisions192
4.7 Assessment and Reform193
15 The Maintenance of International Peace and Security195
1 The United Nations196
1.1 The Security Council197
1.2 United Nations Forces198
1.3 The Congo Operation199
1.4 Financial Issues200
1.5 Domestic Jurisdiction201
2 Regional Organisations202
2.1 The Organisation of African Unity203
2.2 The Organisation of American States203
2.3 The Cuban ‘Quarantine’204
3 Conflict Management205
4 Arms Control and Disarmament207
5 Nuclear Proliferation208
6 Coexistence and Co-operation211
16 Econondc and Social Issues213
1 The World Monetary System213
2 Economic Aid and Development215
3 International Trade Law217
4 The ‘New International Economic Order’219
5 Regional Organisations220
5.1 Africa and Asia221
5.2 Latin America and the Caribbean221
5.3 Eastern Europe222
5.4 Western Europe222
6 The Specialised Agencies222
7 Particular Economic and Social Issues223
7.1 Population224
7.2 Energy224
7.3 Narcotics225
7.4 Protection of Cultural Property226
8 Environmental Law226
17 The Law of International Organisations232
1 Membership232
1.1 Admission and Representation232
1.2 Termination and Suspension of Membership233
2 Constitutional Law234
2.1 Constitutional Interpretation234
2.2 Constitutional Amendment235
3 Administration236
3.1 International Administratiue Law236
3.2 The International Ciuil Seruice237
18 The Use of Force by States239
1 Aggression240
2 Economic Coercion241
3 Intervention242
4 Reprisals245
5 Self-Defence245
6 Humanitarian Intervention246
7 The Vietnam War248
8 The Arab-Israeli Wars249
19 The Law of War252
1 War Crimes253
2 Means of Warfare255
3 Internal Conflicts256
4 Guerrillas and Mercenaries257
5 Prisoners of War258
6 Belligerent Occupation260
7 Neutrality260
8 Miscellaneous261
Index of Authors263
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