
世界文学名著英汉对照全译精选 圣经名篇精选【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

世界文学名著英汉对照全译精选 圣经名篇精选
  • 周春彦编译 著
  • 出版社: 奎屯市:伊犁人民出版社
  • ISBN:7542506854
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:432页
  • 文件大小:52MB
  • 文件页数:452页
  • 主题词:


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世界文学名著英汉对照全译精选 圣经名篇精选PDF格式电子书版下载


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1.The Creation of God神的创造3

2.The Garden of Eden伊甸园8

3.The First Sin and Its Punishment初罪和惩戒10

4.Cain and Abel该隐和亚伯14

5.The Wickedness of Humankind人类的邪恶17

6.Noah s Ark挪亚方舟18

7.The Covenant with Noah神与挪亚立约24

8.The Tower of Babel巴别塔25

9.The Call of Abram神呼召亚伯兰26

10.Abram and Lot Separate亚伯兰与罗得分开28

11.God s Covenant with Abram神与亚伯兰立约29

12.The Birth of Ishmael以实玛利出生31

13.The Sign of the Covenant立约的记号33

14.A Son Promised to Abraham and Sarah神应许亚伯拉罕和撒拉得儿子35

15.Abraham prays for Sodom亚伯拉罕为所多玛祈求36

16.The Destruction of Sodom所多玛的毁灭38

17.The Birth of Isaac以撒出生40

18.Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away夏甲和以实玛利被逐41

19.The Command to Sacrifice Isaac神吩咐祭献以撒42

20.The Marriage of Isaac以撒娶妻44

21.Esau and Jacob以扫和雅各50

22.Isaac and Abimelech以撒和亚比米勒51

23.Isaac Blesses Jacob以撒祝福雅各54

24.Esau s Lost Blessing以扫未获祝福56

25.Isaac Sends Jacob to Laban以撒打发雅各到拉班的家去58

26.Jacob s Dream at Bethel雅各在伯特利的梦58

27.Jacob Marries Laban s Daughters雅各娶拉班的女儿60

28.Jacob s children雅各的儿女63

29.Jacob Prospers at Laban s Expense雅各和拉班定工价64

30.Jacob Flees with Family and Flocks雅各携家眷和牲畜逃离66

31.Laban Overtakes Jacob拉班追赶雅各68

32.Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant雅各和拉班立约70

33.Jacob Sends Presents to Appease Esau雅各准备见以扫71

34.Jacob Wrestles at Peniel雅各与神使者摔跤72

35.Jacob and Esau Meet雅各和以扫相见73

36.Jacob Returns to Bethel雅各前往伯特利75

37.Joseph Dreams of Greatness约瑟得异梦76

38.Joseph Is Sold by His Brothers约瑟被兄弟们卖77

39.Joseph and Potiphar s Wife约瑟和波提乏之妻80

40.Joseph Interprets Dreams约瑟解梦82

41.Joseph s Rise to Power约瑟被赋予职权86

42.Joseph s Brothers Go to Egypt to Buy Grain约瑟的哥哥们到埃及买粮88

43.Joseph s Brothers Return to Canaan约瑟的哥哥们回迦南地90

44.Joseph s Brothers Returns to Egypt with Benjamin约瑟的哥哥们带便雅悯到埃及91

45.Joseph Detains Benjamin约瑟用计留便雅悯94

46.Judah Pleads for Benjamin s Release犹大替便雅悯哀求95

47.Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers约瑟和兄弟们相认96

48.Jacob Brings His Whole Family to Egypt雅各全家下埃及99


1.The Israelites Are Oppressed以色列人备受压迫101

2.The Birth of Moses摩西的出生102

3.Moses Flees to Midian摩西逃往米甸104

4.God Calls Moses神呼召摩西105

5.Moses Miraculous Power摩西行神迹的权能108

6.Moses Returns to Egypt摩西返回埃及109

7.Moses and Aaron Comes to Pharaoh摩西和亚伦见法老110

8.Plagues upon the Egyptians埃及遭灾112

9.The Israelites Leaves Egypt以色列人出埃及122

10.The Pillars of Cloud and Fire云柱和火柱123

11.Crossing the Red Sea过红海123

12.The Manna and The Quails吗哪和鹌鹑126

13.The Israelites Reach Mount Sinai以色列人在西奈山129

14.The Ten Commandments十诫131


1.God s Commission to Joshua神授命约书亚134

2.Preparations for the Invasion准备入侵135

3.Spies Sent to Jericho窥探耶利哥136

4.Israel Crosses the Jordan以色列人过约旦河138

5.Jericho Taken and Destroyed耶利哥城陷落140

6.Ai Captured by a Stratagem and Destroyed艾城失陷及毁灭143

7.The Sun Stands Still太阳停顿146

8.Five Kings Defeated生擒五王148


1.The Birth of Samson参孙出生151

2.Samson and the Girl from Tirmnah参孙和亭拿的女子153

3.Samson Defeats the Philistines参孙击败非利士人156

4.Samson and Delilah参孙和大利拉157

5.Samson s Death参孙的死160


1.Elimelech s Family Goes to Moab以利米勒全家迁往摩押162

2.Naomi and Her Moabite Daughters-in-Law拿俄米和她的摩押儿媳162

3.Ruth Meets Boaz路得和波阿斯相遇164

4.Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor路得和波阿斯在打谷场167

5.The Marriage of Boaz and Ruth波阿斯娶路得169

6.The Genealogy of David大卫的家族170

1.Samuel s Birth and Dedication撒母耳出生和奉献171


2.The Lord Appears to Samuel耶和华向撒母耳显现173

3.Israel Demands a King以色列人要求立王175

4.Saul Chosen to Be King扫罗被立为王177

5.Samuel Anoints Saul撒母耳膏扫罗作王179

6.Saul Proclaimed King抽签得扫罗为王181

7.Saul Defeats the Ammonites扫罗击败亚扪人182

8.Saul Defeats the Amalekites扫罗击溃亚玛力人183

9.Saul Rejected as King扫罗王位废弃184

10.David Anointed as King膏立大卫为王187

12.David and Goliath大卫和歌利亚189

11.David Plays the Lyre for Saul大卫为扫罗弹琴189

13.Saul Tries to Kill David扫罗意图谋害大卫194

14.Saul Persecutes David扫罗迫害大卫196

15.David Flees from Saul大卫逃离扫罗198

16.David in the Hill Country大卫在山地199

17.David Spares Saul s Life大卫不加害扫罗200

18.David and the Wife of Nabal大卫和拿八的妻子203

19.The Death of Saul and His Sons扫罗及其众子战死207

1.David Learns of Saul s Death大卫听到扫罗的死讯209


2.David Anointed King of Judah大卫受膏作犹大王210

3.Ishbaal King of Israel伊施波设作以色列王211

4.The Battle of Gibeon基遍争战211

5.David Anointed King of Judah and Israel大卫作犹大和以色列王213

6.David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem215


7.David s Wars大卫的战绩217

8.David and Bathsheba大卫和拔示巴219

9.Nathan Condemns David拿单谴责大卫221

10.Bathsheba s Child Dies大卫的孩子夭折223

11.Solomon Is Born所罗门出生224

12.Amnon and Tamar暗嫩和他玛225

13.Absalom Avenges the Violation of His Sister227


14.David Forgives Absalom大卫饶恕押沙龙228

15.Absalom Usurps the Throne押沙龙篡夺王位229

16.David Flees from Jerusalem大卫逃离耶路撒冷230

18.The Counsel of Hushai户筛的忠告233

17.Absalom at Jerusalem押沙龙在耶路撒冷233

19.Hushai Warns David to Escape户筛告大卫逃脱235

20.The Defeat and Death of Absalom押沙龙败亡236

21.David Hears of Absalom s Death大卫得知押沙龙死讯238

1 KINGS列王纪上241

1.The Struggle for the Succession王位之争241

2.Solomon is Made King所罗门被立为王242

3.David s Instruction to Solomon大卫给所罗门的遗训246

4.Death of David大卫寿终247

5.The Death of Adonijah亚多尼雅的死247

6.Abiathar s Banishment and Joab s Death亚比亚他被废和约押的死248

7.The Death of Shimei示每的死249

8.Solomon s Prayer for Wisdom所罗门祈求智慧250

9.Solomon s Wisdom in Judgment所罗门审断疑案252

10.Fame of Solomon s Wisdom所罗门的智慧253

11.Preparations and Materials for the Temple所罗门准备建殿254

12.Solomon Builds the Temple所罗门建造圣殿255

13.Visit of the Queen of Sheba示巴女王拜访257

14.Solomon s Errors所罗门错误行事259

15.Jeroboam s Rebellion耶罗波安反叛260

17.The Northern Tribes Revolt北方的支派反叛262

16.Death of Solomon所罗门去世262

18.Ahab Reigns over Israel以色列国王亚哈264

19.Elijah Predicts a Drought以利亚预言旱灾265

20.The Widow of Zarephath撒勒法的寡妇266

21.Elijah Revives the Widow s Son以利亚挽救寡妇的儿子266

22.Naboth s Vineyard拿伯的葡萄园268

2 KINGS列王纪下271

1.Elijah Ascends to Heaven以利亚升天271

2.Elisha Performs Miracles以利沙行神迹273

4.The Healing of Naaman乃缦得医治274

3.Two Miracles两件神迹274

5.Jehu is Made King of Israel耶户被膏为以色列王277

6.Joram of Israel Killed以色列王约兰被杀278

7.Ahaziah of Judah Killed犹大王亚哈谢被杀280

8.Jezebel s Violent Death耶洗别被掷身亡280

9.Queen Athaliah of Judah犹大国王后亚他利雅281

10.Jehoiada s Reformation耶何耶大的改革283

11.Hoshea Reigns over Israel以色列国王何细亚283

12.Israel Carried Captive to Assyria以色列人被掳往亚述284

13.Josiah Reigns over Judah犹大国王约西亚285

14.Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law希勒家发现律法书286

15.Josiah s Reformation约西亚的改革288

16.The Fall and Captivity of Jerusalem耶路撒冷陷落288

17.The Destruction of Temple圣殿被毁290

18.Judah are capitived犹大人被掳291

19.Gedaliah Made Governor of Judah基大利作犹大省长291

20.Jehoiachin Released from Prison约雅斤被释292

1.King Ahasuerus Deposes Queen Vashti亚哈随鲁王废瓦实提王后293


2.Esther Becomes Queen以斯帖被立为王后295

3.Mordecai Discovers a Plot末底改发现阴谋297

4.Haman Undertakes to Destroy the Jews哈曼阴谋除灭犹太人298

5.Esther Agrees to Help the Jews以斯帖同意援助犹太人299

6.Esther s Banquet以斯帖设筵301

7.Haman s Downfall哈曼被处死302


1.Satan Tests Job撒但试探约伯304

2.Job Loses Property and Children约伯丧失儿女和财产305

3.Satan Tests Job Again撒但再试探约伯306

4.Job s Three Friends约伯的三个朋友307

5.The Lord Restores Job s Fortunes Twofold耶和华加倍赐福给约伯308



1.The Birth of Jesus耶稣基督降生313

2.The Visit of the Wise Men博士朝拜314

3.The Escape to Egypt逃到埃及315

4.The Massacre of the Infants屠杀男孩317

5.The Return from Egypt从埃及回来317

6.The Proclamation of John the Baptist施洗约翰传道318

7.The Baptism of Jesus耶稣受洗319

8.The Temptation of Jesus耶稣受试探320


1.Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac耶稣治好格拉森被鬼附的人322

2.A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed治好睚鲁女儿和血漏妇女323


1.The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry开始在加利利传道326

2.The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth拿撒勒人厌弃耶稣326

3.The Man with an Unclean Spirit赶逐污鬼327

6.Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles耶稣拣选十二使徒328

4.Healings at Simon s House在西门家治病328

5.Jesus Preaches in the Synagogues耶稣在加利利各会堂传道328

7.Love for Enemies论爱仇敌329

8.Jesus Heals a Centurion s Servant耶稣治好百夫长的仆人329

9.Jesus Raises the Widow s Son耶稣使寡妇的儿子复活330

10.Messengers from John the Baptist施洗约翰差人问主331

11.Jesus Talks about John the Baptist耶稣论施洗约翰332

12.A Sinful Woman Forgiven有罪的女人得蒙赦免333

13.The Parable of the Sower撒种的比喻334

14.The Mission of the Seventy主差遣七十人335

15.Woes to Unrepentant Cities无悔改之意的城遭祸336

16.The Return of the Seventy七十个人回来336

17.Jesus Rejoices耶稣的欢乐337

18.The Good Samaritan好撒玛利亚人337

19.Martha and Mary马大和马利亚338

20.The Parable of the Rich Fool无知财主的比喻339

21.The Parable of the Great Dinner大筵席的比喻340

22.The Parable of the Prodigal son浪子的比喻341

23.The Parable of the Dishonest Manager不义的管家343

24.The Rich Man and Lazarus财主和拉撒路344

25.The Parable of the Wicked Tenants凶恶园户的比喻345

26.The Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold预言耶路撒冷被毁346

27.The Coming of the Son of Man人子降临346

28.The Lesson of the Fig Tree无花果树的预言347

29.Exhortation to Watch劝告门徒警醒347

30.The Plot to Kill Jesus图谋杀害耶稣348

31.The Preparation of the Passover预备逾越节348

32.The Institution of the Lord s Supper设立圣餐348

34.Jesus Predicts Peter s Denial耶稣预言彼得不认主350

35.Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives耶稣在橄榄山上祷告350

33.The Dispute about Greatness争论谁为大350

36.The Arrest of Jesus耶稣被捕351

37.Peter Denies Jesus彼得不认主351

38.Jesus before the Council耶稣受审352

39.Jesus before Pilate耶稣在彼拉多面前受审353

40.Jesus before Herod耶稣在希律面前受审354

41.Jesus Sentenced to Death耶稣被判死刑355

42.The Crucifixion of Jesus耶稣被钉十字架356

43.The Death of Jesus耶稣的死357

44.The Burial of Jesus耶稣的安葬358

45.The Resurrection of Jesus耶稣复活359

46.The Walk to Emmaus在去以马忤斯的路上360

47.Jesus Appears to His Disciples耶稣向门徒显现362

48.The Ascension of Jesus耶稣升天364


1.The Lamb of God神的羔羊365

2.The First Disciples of Jesus耶稣初选门徒366

3.Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael耶稣呼召腓力和拿但业367

4.The Wedding at Cana在迦拿的婚筵367

5.Jesus Cleanses the Temple耶稣清洁圣殿369

6.Nicodemus Visits Jesus尼哥底母拜访耶稣370

7.Jesus and the Woman of Samaria耶稣和撒玛利亚妇人372

8.Jesus Heals an Official s Son耶稣治好大臣的儿子374

9.Jesus Heals on the Sabbath耶稣在安息日治病375

10.The Authority of the Son圣子的权柄377

11.Feeding the Five Thousand使五千人吃饱378

12.A Man Born Blind Receives Sight治好生来瞎眼的379

13.The Pharisees Investigate the Healing法利赛人盘问被治好的人380

15.Jesus Is Rejected by the Jews犹太人弃绝耶稣382

14.Spiritual Blindness灵性的盲目382

16.The Death of Lazarus拉撒路的死383

17.Jesus the Resurrection and the Life复活在主,生命在主384

18.Jesus Weeps耶稣哭了385

19.Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life耶酥使拉撒路复活386

20.The Plot to Kill Jesus密谋杀害耶稣387

21.Mary Anoints Jesus马利亚用香膏抹主388

22.Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem耶稣荣入圣城389

23.Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet耶稣为门徒洗脚390

24.Jesus Foretells His Betrayal耶稣预言将被出卖391

25.The Arrest of Jesus耶稣被捕392

26.Jesus Sentenced to Death耶稣被判死刑393

27.The Crucifixion of Jesus耶稣被钉十字架394

28.Jesus Side Is Pierced耶稣的肋旁被刺395

29.The Burial of Jesus耶稣的安葬396

30.The Resurrection of Jesus耶稣复活396

31.Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene耶稣向抹大拉的马利亚显现397

32.Jesus Appears to the Disciples耶稣向门徒显现399

33.Jesus and Thomas耶稣与多马399

34.Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples耶稣向七个门徒显现400

36.Jesus and the Beloved Disciple耶稣和他所爱的那门徒401

35.Jesus and Peter耶稣与彼得401


1.The Ascension of Jesus耶稣升天403

2.Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas马提亚接替犹大403

3.The Coming of the Holy Spirit圣灵降临404

4.Peter Addresses the Crowd彼得向众人讲道406

5.Peter Heals a Crippled Beggar彼得医好瘸腿乞丐408

6.Peter and John before the Council彼得和约翰在公会受审409

7.The Believers Pray for Boldness门徒求主赐胆量410

8.The Apostles Are Persecuted使徒受迫害411

9.The Conversion of Saul扫罗转变413

10.James Killed and Peter Imprisoned雅各被杀,彼得被捕415

11.Peter Delivered from Prison彼得获救出狱415

12.Barnabas and Saul Commissioned巴拿巴和扫罗奉差遣416

13.Paul Arrested in the Temple保罗在圣殿里被捕417

14.Paul Defends Himself保罗为自己辩护418

15.Paul Tells of His Conversion保罗叙述转变的经过418

16.Paul Sent to the Gentiles保罗奉召向外邦人传道419

17.The Plot to Kill Paul杀害保罗的阴谋420

18.Paul Brought before Agrippa被带到亚基帕王面前421

19.Paul Defends Himself before Agrippa保罗在亚基帕王面前申辩422

20.Paul Appeals to Agrippa to Believe保罗恳请亚基帕信主423

21.Paul Sails for Rome保罗被用船送往罗马423

22.The Storm at Sea海上的风暴424

23.The Shipwreck船遇难426

24.Paul on the Island of Malta保罗在马耳他岛上427

25.Paul Arrives at Rome保罗抵达罗马428

26.Paul Preaches in Rome保罗在罗马传道428


The Gift of Love爱的颂歌431
