

  • 卢允中选译 著
  • 出版社: 中国对外翻译出版公司商务印书馆(香港)有限公司
  • ISBN:7500101457
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:228页
  • 文件大小:3MB
  • 文件页数:246页
  • 主题词:


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前言 Preface1

《启颜录》 Collection of Jokes1 腊月何处有蛇咬 A Snake in the Twelfth MoonDoesn’t Bite2

《谐噱》 Humourous Stories2 长年术 Longevity6

《开颜录》 Anthology of Jokes3 晏子趣事之一 A Quip from“Stories about MasterYan”8

《风月笑林》 Wind and Moon Jest Book4 客答 What the Guest Says in Reply10

《艾子后语》 Master Ai(Appendix)5 孙儿 Grandson12

6 病忘 Amnesia14

《露书》 Book of Dew7 刑矮 Shorty Xing18

《应谐录》 Spontaneous Humour8 同病 Same Illness20

9 学偷 Learning Thievery22

《雅谑》 Elegant Banter10 呆子 Idiot26

11 呆县丞 The Idiotic Assistant of a County Magistrate28

12 不怕鬼 Daredevils30

13 止母念佛 Ma,It s No Use Chanting the Name ofBuddha34

14 诱出户 Lure Me Outdoors36

15 红米饭 Red Glutinous Rice38

16 死后佳 Everything Is Fine in the Netherworld40

17 恨卢郎 A Matter for Regret42

18 不死酒 Elixir of Life44

《笑林》 Jest Book19 垛子 God of Target46

20 遇偷 Burglary48

21 问令尊 Should Someone Ask for Your Father50

22 糟饼 Cakes Made from Distiller s Grain52

23 不请客 No Entertainments54

24 不留客 Not Asking the Guest to Stay56

25 吃素 The Cat Has Turned Vegetarian58

26 借茶叶 Borrowing Tea Leaves60

《迂仙别记》 Stories of the Revered Mr Yu27 屋漏 Leaky Roof62

《雪涛谐史》 Humourous Stories from Snow Pavilion28 贼 Thieves64

29 卖酒 Selling Wine68

30 说谎者 Liar70

31 懼内 Henpecked72

32 化缘 Begging Alms74

《笑赞》 Ode to Laughter33 大丈夫说不 When a True Man Says No76

34 善人好欺负 Kindhearted People Are the Ones YouCan Bully78

35 暑月戴毡帽 Wearing a Felt Hat in Summer80

36 夹衣胜单衣 A Lined Garment Is Better Than anUnlined One82

37 你们所笑,定然不差 What You Are Laughing atMust Be Funny84

《笑府》 Treasure House of Funny Stories38 吹牛 Talking Big86

39 以正夫纲 To Assert the Authority of the Husband 88

40 懼内吏 A Henpecked Official90

41 他不肯和 He Refuses to Agree to a Draw92

42 河鲀 Globefish94

《广笑府》 Treasure House of Anecdotes43 妙处难学 A Trick Too Hard to Learn96

44 七十三八十四 Seventy-three and Eighty-four98

45 敢想吃他 How Dare I Eat Them?100

46 难为东道 I Can t Afford to Play the Host102

47 秋蝉 Autumn Cicada104

48 双斧劈柴 Chopping Wood with Two Axes106

49 酸酒 Sour Wine108

50 有钱者生 No Money,No Life110

51 有钱村牛 A Wealthy Village Ox112

52 死后不赊 Don t Sell Me on Credit after I Die114

53 一钱莫救 One Copper Coin Is Too Much116

54 洗衣 Washing Clothes118

55 矫揉不安贫 Not Resigned to Poverty120

《叙谭概》 Chitchat56 陈公戒酒 The Revered Mr Chen Trying to GiveUp Drinking122

《精选雅笑》 Selection of Elegant Jokes57 蚊符 Mosquito Expellent124

58 盗牛 Stealing an Ox126

59 赏历 Awarding a Calendar128

60 夸富 Braggadocio130

61 躲债 How to Avoid a Creditor132

《博笑珠玑》 Gems of Jokes62 嘲好酒人 Wine Bibber Ridiculed134

63 讥人刁诈 Crafty Fellows Ridiculed136

64 劝人行善 One Must Do Good Works138

《遣愁集》 Stories for Dissipating Melancholy65 势利 Snobbery140

66 无功受赐 Getting a Reward without Deserving It 142

《笑倒》 Convulsive Laughter67 梦戏酌 Party with Theatricals in Dreamland144

68 请客 Inviting a Guest to Dinner146

69 背客吃饭 Eating behind the Visitor s Back148

70 脚像观音 Her Feet Resemble Those of Bodhisattva s150

71 凑不起 Unable to Gather Them Together152

《增订解人颐新集》 Amusing Stories,Revised and EnlargedEdition72 雨 Rain154

《笑得好》 It’s Good to Laugh73 剩个穷花子与我 Content with a Poor Beggar156

74 愿变父亲 Reincarnated as Your Father160

75 哑子说话 A Dumb Beggar Who Speaks164

76 臭得更狠 It Stinks to High Heaven166

77 出气 To Teach Him a Lesson for Me168

78 我不见了 I Am Missing170

79 一张大口 A Big Mouth172

80 书是印成的 Books Are Printed174

81 愿换手指 I Want Your Finger176

82 限定岁数 To Limit One s Age178

83 喝风屙烟 Inhaling Wind and Discharging Smoke 180

84 人参汤 Ginseng Soup182

85 四时不正 Abnormal Weather184

86 秀才断事 A Scholar Sitting in Judgment186

87 皇帝衣帽 The Emperor s Crown and Gown188

《笑得好二集》 It’s Good to Laugh,Vol.Ⅱ88 比送殡 Like Attending a Funeral190

89 忘记端午 I ve Forgotten It Was the Dragon BoatFestival192

90 门上贴道人 The Picture of a Taoist Priest Pastedon the Front Door194

91 骂的人多 Too Many Scolders196

《笑笑录》 Rollicking Laughter92 还磕头 You Have to Kowtow Back198

93 痴人说梦 Idiotic Nonsense202

94 高帽子 Tall Hat204

《嘻谈录》 Ripples of Mirth95 偷酒 Taking a Drink on the Sly206

96 富家傻子 The Imbecile Son of a Rich Family210

《新镌笑林广记》 Jest Book:Newly Engraved Edition97 七月儿 Seven-month Baby214

98 藏年 Concealing Her Age216

99 借水 May I Have Some Water,Please?218

100 坐椅子 To Occupy a Chair220

中国历代笑话集集录 Bibliography of Chinese HamorousStories Through the Ages222
