
数域的上同调 英文 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

数域的上同调 英文 第2版
  • (德)J.诺伊基希;(德)A.施密特;(德)K.温伯格著 著
  • 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:7519219674
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:826页
  • 文件大小:118MB
  • 文件页数:842页
  • 主题词:数域-英文;上同调-英文


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Algebraic Theory1

Chapter Ⅰ:Cohomology of Profinite Groups3

1.Profinite Spaces and Profinite Groups3

2.Definition of the Cohomology Groups12

3.The Exact Cohomology Sequence25

4.The Cup-Product36

5.Change of the Group G45

6.Basic Properties60

7.Cohomology of Cyclic Groups74

8.Cohomological Triviality80

9.Tate Cohomology of Profinite Groups83

Chapter Ⅱ:Some Homological Algebra97

1.Spectral Sequences97

2.Filtered Cochain Complexes101

3.Degeneration of Spectral Sequences107

4.The Hochschild-Serre Spectral Sequence111

5.The Tate Spectral Sequence120

6.Derived Functors127

7.Continuous Cochain Cohomology136

Chapter Ⅲ:Duality Properties of Profinite Groups147

1.Duality for Class Formations147

2.An Alternative Description of the Reciprocity Homomorphism164

3.Cohomological Dimension171

4.Dualizing Modules181

5.Projective pro-c-groups189

6.Profinite Groups of scd G=2202

7.Poincaré Groups210


9.Generators and Relations224

Chapter Ⅳ:Free Products of Profinite Groups245

1.Free Products245

2.Subgroups of Free Products252

3.Generalized Free Products256

Chapter Ⅴ:Iwasawa Modules267

1.Modules up to Pseudo-Isomorphism268

2.Complete Group Rings273

3.Iwasawa Modules289

4.Homotopy of Modules301

5.Homotopy Invariants of Iwasawa Modules312

6.Differential Modules and Presentations321

Arithmetic Theory335

Chapter Ⅵ:Galois Cohomology337

1.Cohomology of the Additive Group337

2.Hilbert's Satz 90343

3.The Brauer Group349

4.The Milnor K-Groups356

5.Dimension of Fields360

Chapter Ⅶ:Cohomology of Local Fields371

1.Cohomology of the Multiplicative Group371

2.The Local Duality Theorem378

3.The Local Euler-Poincaré Characteristic391

4.Galois Module Structure of the Multiplicative Group401

5.Explicit Determination of Local Galois Groups409

Chapter Ⅷ:Cohomology of Global Fields425

1.Cohomology of the Idè1e Class Group425

2.The Connected Component of Ck443

3.Restricted Ramification452

4.The Global Duality Theorem466

5.Local Cohomology of Global Galois Modules472

6.Poitou-Tate Duality480

7.The Global Euler-PoincaréCharacteristic503

8.Duality for Unramified and Tamely Ramified Extensions513

Chapter Ⅸ:The Absolute Galois Group of a Global Field521

1.The Hasse Principle522

2.The Theorem of Grunwald-Wang536

3.Construction of Cohomology Classes543

4.Local Galois Groups in a Global Group553

5.Solvable Groups as Galois Groups557

6.?afarevi?'s Theorem574

Chapter Ⅹ:Restricted Ramification599

1.The Function Field Case602

2.First Observations on the Number Field Case618

3.Leopoldt's Conjecture624

4.Cohomology of Large Number Fields642

5.Riemann's Existence Theorem647

6.The Relation between 2 and ∞656

7.Dimension of Hi(G?,Z/pZ)666

8.The Theorem of Kuz'min678

9.Free Product Decomposition of Gs(p)686

10.Class Field Towers697

11.The Profinite Group Gs706

Chapter Ⅺ:Iwasawa Theory of Number Fields721

1.The Maximal Abelian Unramified p-Extension of k∞722

2.Iwasawa Theory for p-adic Local Fields731

3.The Maximal Abelian p-Extension of k∞ Unramified Outside S735

4.Iwasawa Theory for Totally Real Fields and CM-Fields751

5.Positively Ramified Extensions763

6.The Main Conjecture771

Chapter Ⅻ:Anabelian Geometry785

1.Subgroups of Gk785

2.The Neukirch-Uchida Theorem791

3.Anabelian Conjectures798


