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- 井升华主编;井俊编 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:9787560058580
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:250页
- 文件大小:21MB
- 文件页数:275页
- 主题词:英语写作
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第一大类 请求·申请·简历·预订·意向·就业·辞职·咨询类1
第一章 请求·申请·简历3
第一节 请求·申请3
请求提供成绩单 Ask for Grade Report 9—13
邀请担任主旨发言人 Invitation for Keynote Speaker 9—25
邀请担任发言人 Invitation for Speaker 9—36
向旅行社索取信息 Request Information from Tourism Institutions 9—48
请求更改信用额度 Request for Change of Credit Arrangement 9—59
请求延长付款期限 Request for Extension of Time on Promissory Note 9—610
要求全额退款 Request for Full Refund 9—711
第二次索取商品退款 Second Request for Refund on Returned Merchandise 9—812
求助信函 Request for Help by Letter 9—913
征询顾客推荐 Testimonial Request Letter 9—1015
引用顾客推荐同意书 Testimonial Consent Form 9—1116
申请无薪假 Request for Leave of Absence Without Pay 9—1217
汇款申请书 Application for Outward Remittance 9—1320
修改护照申请 Application for Amendment of Passport 9—1423
要求保修 Request for Warranty Repair 9—1525
房屋整修要求 Refurbishments Requirements 9—1626
申请保留公司名称 Application for Reservation of Corporate Name 9—1727
申请恢复证书 Application for Certificate of Reinstatement 9—1829
公司商标注册申请 Corporation Application 9—1931
学校系统申请 School Corporation Application 9—2035
商业执照申请 Business License Application 9—2137
许可证申请 Application for License 9—2238
基金申请 Grant Application 9—2339
开立信用证申请书 Application for Issuing Letter of Credit 9—2442
信用证修改申请书 Application for Amendment to Letter of Credit 9—2546
合伙用车申请 Carpool & Vanpool Application 9—2648
回复合伙用车申请信 Reply to Carpool & Vanpool Application 9—2751
求职信函 Request for Employment 9—2853
回应招聘广告的求职信(1) Responding to a Job Advertisement(1) 9—2954
回应招聘广告的求职信(2) Responding to a Job Advertisement(2) 9—3055
就业申请 Employment Application 9—3156
面试通知 Notice of Interviewing Employee 9—3261
询问面试结果的信函 Interview Response Letter 9—3362
请求安排面试 Request for Arrangement of Interview 9—3463
请求面试信函 Request for Employment Interview 9—3565
给求职面试者的否定答复 Negative Response to Job Candidate Interview 9—3666
面试后续信函(1) Follow Up to an Interview(1) 9—3767
面试后续信函(2) Follow Up to an Interview(2) 9—3868
第二节 简历69
简历 Curriculum Vitae 9—3970
没有工作经历的简历 Resume with No Previous Work History 9—4076
第二章 预订·意向81
第一节 预订81
旅游预订 Tourism Reservation 9—4181
机票预订优惠卡 Reservation Card 9—4282
预订旅馆房间 Reservation of Hotel Room 9—4384
取消预订 Cancellation of Booking 9—4485
取消订刊 Cancellation of Subscription 9—4585
付款须知 Payment Instruction 9—4686
给订阅人的回复函 A Reply to Subscriber 9—4788
第二节 意向89
意向书 Letter of Intent 9—4890
家中教育意向书(1) Letter of Intent to Homeschool(1) 9—4992
家中教育意向书(2) Letter of Intent to Homeschool(2) 9—5093
贷款筹措意向书 Letter of Intent 9—5195
第三章 就业·辞职98
第一节 就业98
就业证明及推荐信 Verification of Employment and Letter of Recom-mendation 9—5298
接受聘用的信函 Accepting an Employment Offer 9—53100
谢绝聘用的信函 Declining an Employment Offer 9—54101
接受任命书 Acceptance of Appointment 9—55102
就业协议 Employment Agreement 9—56103
终身教职聘用协议 Tenure Agreement 9—57106
合同样例 Sample Contract 9—58109
教师聘用合同 Faculty Employment Contract 9—59111
接受聘用 Accept an Offer of Job 9—60113
谢绝聘用 Decline a Position 9—61114
第二节 辞职115
辞职信(1) Letter of Resignation (1)9—62115
辞职信(2) Letter of Resignation(2) 9—63117
辞职信(3) Letter of Resignation(3) 9—64117
辞退通知 Notice of Dismissal 9—65118
官员辞呈 Resignation of Officer 9—66120
终止聘用 Termination of Employment 9—67120
解雇通知 Notice of Termination of Employment 9—68121
辞职信及确认函 Letter of Resignation—Acknowledgment 9—69123
解雇信(1) Termination of Employment(1)9—70124
解雇信(2) Termination of Employment(2) 9—71125
解雇信(3) Termination of Employment(3) 9—72126
临时辞退信函 Layoff Letter 9—73127
接受辞呈 Acceptance of Resignation 9—74128
辞退员工启事 Notice of Layoff 9—75129
因财政困难而辞退员工的信函 Termination of Employment Due to Financial Problems 9—76130
第四章 咨询132
咨询服务协议 Agreement on Consulting Services 9—77132
咨询协议 Consulting Agreement 9—78138
回复招聘广告的就业咨询信函 Employment Inquiry Letters When Responding to an Advertisement 9—79145
咨询信函(1) Letter of Inquiry(1) 9—80147
咨询信函(2) Letter of Inquiry(2) 9—81149
课程咨询 An Enquiry of Courses 9—82150
对旅游咨询的回复 A Reply to Enquiry of Tourism 9—83151
折扣咨询 An Enquiry of Discount 9—84152
退款查询 An Enquiry of Refund 9—85154
就业咨询 An Enquiry of Employment 9—86154
第二大类 确认·同意·介绍·推荐·拒绝·投诉类157
第一章 确认159
确认父亲身份 Acknowledgment of Paternity 9—87159
确认收到货物 Acknowledged Receipt of Goods 9—88160
确认求职申请 Acknowledgment of Application 9—89161
确认取消延期交货 Acknowledgment of Cancellation of Backorder 9—90162
确认送货延迟的信件 Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay 9—91163
捐赠确认函 Gift Acknowledgment Letter 9—92164
确认电话报告 Confirmation of Telephone Report of Problem 9—93165
确认购货协议 Confirmation of Purchase Agreement 9—94166
确认并接受订单 Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Order 9—95167
卖方的订单确认书 Seller's Order Confirmation 9—96168
确认口头订单 Confirmation of Verbal Order 9—97169
对顾客表扬信的确认 Acknowledgment of Customer Praise of Employee 9—98170
确认商品返修 Acknowledgment of Merchandise Returned for Repair 9—99171
确认收到估价单 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Estimate 9—100172
确认函 Acknowledgment Letter 9—101173
译者证明书 Translator's Certification 9—102174
确认收到支票 Acknowledgment of Check 9—103175
替他人确认收到信函 Acknowledgment of Letter for the Other 9—104176
确认变更见面日期 Acknowledgment of Change in Meeting Date 9—105176
确认付款后收到发票 Response to Invoice Received After Payment 9—106177
确认租约转让通知 Acknowledgment of Notification of Lease Transfer 9—107178
确认收到雇员建议 Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion 9—108180
确认延期付款 Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date 9—109181
确认采访安排 Confirmation of Interview Appointment 9—110182
证明人确认 Confirmation of Serving as a Reference 9—111182
确认到货 Acknowledgment of Delivery 9—112183
确认书 Acknowledgment 9—113185
修改确认 Acknowledgment of Amendment 9—114187
确认推荐 Acknowledgment of Recommendation 9—115188
确认付款方式(1) Confirmation of Method of Payment(1) 9—116189
确认付款方式(2) Confirmation of Method of Payment(2) 9—117191
第二章 同意193
紧急药物或手术治疗同意书 Consent for Emergency Medical or Surgical Treatment 9—118193
医疗和手术同意书 Consent to Medical Treatment and Operation 9—119194
休克疗法同意书 Consent to Shock Therapy 9—120196
输血同意书 Consent to Blood Transfusion 9—121197
未成年人医疗同意书 Consent of Medical Treatment for Minor 9—122199
艾滋病病毒血液检测同意书 Consent for Blood Test to Detect HIV Infection 9—123200
同意任命信函 Consent of Appointment 9—124204
同意延长付款期限 Grant of Request for Extension of Time 9—125205
大学接收函 University Acceptance Letter 9—126205
第三章 介绍208
自我介绍信函 Introducing Oneself 9—127208
把老朋友介绍给新朋友 Introduction of an Old Friend to a New Friend 9—128211
第四章 推荐213
推荐信 Recommendation 9—129213
系主任推荐 Dean's Recommendation 9—130214
推荐信 Letter of Recommendation 9—131216
工作推荐信(1) Employment Recommendation(1) 9—132218
工作推荐信(2) Employment Recommendation(2) 9—133219
访问学者推荐信 Recommendation of Visiting Scholar 9—134222
推荐一名有经验的雇员 Recommendation of an Experienced Employee 9—135224
消极推荐信 Negative Recommendation Letter 9—136225
推荐信 Recommendation Letter 9—137227
同事的推荐信 Peer Recommendation Letter 9—138228
自荐信 Self Recommendation 9—139229
第五章 拒绝231
拒绝用药、治疗或其他程序 Refusal of Drugs,Treatments,or Procedures 9—140231
拒绝接受治疗和输血 Refusal to Permit Medical Treatment and Transfusion 9—141233
拒绝允许药物治疗及/或手术 Refusal to Permit Medical Treatment and/or Operation 9—142234
拒绝提供推荐信 Refusal of Request for Letter of Recommen-dation 9—143236
拒收货物的通知 Notice of Rejection of Goods 9—144237
拒绝贷款的说明 Explanation of Credit Rejection 9—145238
第六章 投诉240
投诉信 Letter of Complaint 9—146240
承诺信 A Promise Letter 9—147241
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