
数据、模型与决策 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

数据、模型与决策 英文版
  • 泰勒著;侯文华改编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787300137513
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:625页
  • 文件大小:229MB
  • 文件页数:642页
  • 主题词:管理学-数学模型-教材-英文;管理决策-教材-英文


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1 Management Science1

The Management Science Approach to Problem Solving2

Time Out:for Pioneers in Management Science5

Management Science Application:Management Science at Taco Bell6

Model Building:Break-Even Analysis7

Computer Solution12

Management Science Modeling Techniques15

Business Usage of Management Science Techniques18

Management Science Application:Employee Scheduling with Management Science19

Management Science Models in Decision Support Systems20

Management Science Application:A Decision Support System for Aluminum Can Production at Coors21

2 Linear Programming:Model Formulation and Graphical Solution27

Model Formulation28

A Maximization Model Example28

Time Out:for George B.Dantzig29

Graphical Solutions of Linear Programming Models32

Management Science Application:Operational Cost Control at Kellogg33

Management Science Application:Improving Customer Service at Amazon.com44

A Minimization Model Example45

Management Science Application:Determining Optimal Fertilizer Mixes at Soquimich(South America)49

Irregular Types of Linear Programming Problems51

Characteristics of Linear Programming Problems53

3 Linear Programming:Computer Solution and Sensitivity Analysis61

Computer Solution62

Management Science Application:Optimizing Production Quantities at GE Plastics66

Sensitivity Analysis69

Management Science Application:Grape Juice Management at Welch's72

4 Linear Programming:Modeling Examples91

A Product Mix Example92

A Diet Example97

An Investment Example100

Management Science Application:A Linear Programming Model for Optimal Portfolio Selection at Prudential Securities,Inc105

A Marketing Example105

A Transportation Example108

A Blend Example112

A Muhiperiod Scheduling Example117

Management Science Application:Gasoline Blending at Texaco118

A Data Envelopment Analysis Example121

Management Science Application:Analyzing Bank Branch Efficiency by Using DEA122

5 Integer Programming146

Integer Programming Models147

Management Science Application:Allocating Operating Room Time at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital150

Integer Programming Graphical Solution151

Computer Solution of Integer Programming Problems with Excel and QM for Windows153

Time Out:for RalphE.Gomory154

Management Science Application:College of Business Class Scheduling at Ohio University156

Management Science Application:Forming Business Case Student Teams at Indiana University160

0-1 Integer Programming Modeling Examples161

Management Science Application:Planning Next-Day Air Shipments at UPS168

6 Transportation,Transshipment,and Assignment Problems183

The Transportation Model184

Time Out:for Frank L.Hitchcock and Tjalling C.Koopmans186

Management Science Application:Transportation Models at Nu-kote International187

Computer Solution of a Transportation Problem187

Management Science Application:Matching Wineries with Distributors192

The Transshipment Model192

Management Science Application:Transporting Mail at the U.S.Postal Service196

The Assignment Model197

Computer Solution of an Assignment Problem197

Management Science Application:Supplying Empty Freight Cars at Union Pacific Railroad200

Management Science Application:Assigning Umpire Crews at Professional Tennis Tournaments201

7 Network Flow Models223

Network Components224

The Shortest Route Problem225

The Minimal Spanning Tree Problem232

Management Science Application:Reducing Travel Costs at the Defense Contract Management Agency233

The Maximal Flow Problem237

Time Out:for E.W.Dijkstra,L.R.Ford,Jr.,and D.R.Fulkerson238

Management Science Application:Improving Service for Yellow Freight System's Terminal Network239

8 Project Management259

The Elements of Project Management260

Management Science Application:Managing Projects in China262

Time Out:for Henry Gantt266

Management Science Application:An Air Flight Safety and Efficiency Project at the FAA268


Time Out:for MorganR.Walker,JamesE.Kelley,Jr.,and D.G.Malcolm270

Probabilistic Activity Times278

Management Science Application A Drug Development Project to Combat Malaria284

Microsoft Project285

Project Crashing and Time-Cost Trade-Off292

Management Science Application Reconstructing the Pentagon After 9/11296

Formulating the CPM/PERT Network as a Linear Programming Model297

9 Multicriteria Decision Making315

Goal Programming316

Graphical Interpretation of Goal Programming320

Computer Solution of Goal Programming Problems with QM forWindows and Excel323

Management Science Application:Developing Television Advertising Sales Plans at NBC324

Time Out:for Abraham Charnes and William W.Cooper327

The Analytical Hierarchy Process330

Management Science Application:Selecting Students for Graduate Studies Abroad at Dar Al-Hekma Women's College331

Management Science Application:Analyzing Advanced-Technology Projects at NASA337

Management Science Application:Ranking Twentieth-Century Army Generals339

Scoring Models342

Management Science Application:A Scoring Model for Determining U.S.Army Installation Regions343

10 Nonlinear Programming365

Nonlinear Profit Analysis366

Constrained Optimization369

Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems with Excel372

A Nonlinear Programming Model with Multiple Constraints375

Nonlinear Model Examples377

Management Science Application:Gas Production in Australia380

11 Decision Analysis387

Components of Decision Making388

Decision Making without Probabilities389

Management Science Application:Decision Analysis at DuPont391

Decision Making with Probabilities396

Management Science Application:Evaluating Electric Generator Maintenance Schedules Using Decision Tree Analysis407

Decision Analysis with Additional Information411

Management Science Application:Decision Analysis in the Electric Power Industry412

Management Science Application:Discount Fare Allocation at American Airlines414

Management Science Application:Scheduling Refueling at the Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant418


12 Queuing Analysis435

Elements of Waiting Line Analysis436

The Single-Server Waiting Line System437

Time Out:for Agner Krarup Erlang438

Management Science Application:Reducing Perceived Waiting Time at Bank of America446

Undefined and Constant Service Times447

Finite Queue Length450

Management Science Application:Providing Telephone Order Service in the Retail Catalog Business452

Finite Calling Population453

The Multiple-Server Waiting Line456

Management Science Application:Making Sure 911 Calls Get Through at AT&T460

Additional Types of Queuing Systems462

13 Simulation471

The Monte Carlo Process472

Time Out:for John Von Neumann477

Computer Simulation with Excel Spreadsheets477

Simulation of a Queuing System483

Management Science Application:Planning for Health Emergencies Created by Terrorist Attacks486

Continuous Probability Distributions487

Statistical Analysis of Simulation Results492

Crystal Ball494

Verification of the Simulation Model502

Areas of Simulation Application502

Management Science Application:Simulating a 10-km Race in Boulder,Colorado504

14 Forecasting516

Forecasting Components517

Management Science Application:Forecasting Advertising Demand at NBC519

Time Series Methods520

Management Science Application:Forecasting at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company524

Management Science Application:Forecasting Customer Demand at Taco Bell525

Management Science Application:Seasonal Forecasting at Dell530

Management Science Application:Developing Joint Forecasts at Boeing and Alcoa533

Forecast Accuracy534

Management Science Application:Forecasting at Bayer Consumer Care537

Time Series Forecasting Using Excel538

Time Series Forecasting Using QM for Windows540

Regression Methods541

Management Science Application:An Airline Passenger Forecasting Model544

15 Inventory Management563

Elements of Inventory Management564

Management Science Application:Evaluating Inventory Costs at Hewlett-Inventory Control Systems567

Time Out:for Ford Harris568

Economic Order Quantity Models569

The Basic EOQ Model569

The EOQ Model with Noninstantaneous Receipt575

The EOQ Model with Shortages577

Management Science Application:Determining Inventory Ordering Policy at Dell580

EOQ Analysis with QM for Windows581

EOQ Analysis with Excel and Excel QM581

Quantity Discounts582

Management Science Application:Quantity Discount Orders at Mars585

Reorder Point587

Determining Safety Stock by Using Service Levels589

Management Science Application:Establishing Inventory Safety Stocks at Kellogg's592

Order Quantity for a Periodic Inventory System593

Appendix A601

Normal Table601

Chi-square Table602

Appendix B603

Setting Up and Editing a Spreadsheet603

Appendix C607

The Poisson and Exponential Distributions607

Solutions to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems609

